大清铜币户部鄂字十文 属于难得珍品,极具收藏价值!


In recent years, compared with other works of art, Daqing copper coins are more popular among collectors. At least, they are worth tens of thousands of yuan, and at most, they are worth millions or tens of millions of yuan. They often become the goal of collectors' active pursuit. Made in 1900 (the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of the reign of Emperor Xuantong), the Daqing copper coin, also known as the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper circle, was the main coin type circulating in the market from the reign of Emperor Guangxu to the reign of Emperor Xuantong. However, because of the excess of copper coins in the provinces, so in 1905, that is, Guangxu 31 years, the Qing government set up the Ministry of Household Mint General Factory in Tianjin began to cast a new copper "Daqing Copper Coin". The main purpose is to rectify and unify the currency system, trying to nationalize the coinage right, strengthen control.


Recently, the company collected the collection of Daqing copper coins, the Ministry of Hubei "when making ten words" coins, the front of the coin bead circle book "Daqing copper coins" four words straight reading, in the middle of the inscription "e". Bead circle on the outer ring book Manchu font, about the book "household" "department" two words, under the ring book "when making money ten"; On the back of the coin bead ring cast dragon decoration, bead ring outside the book "Guangxu year made", under the ring book "Daqing copper coin" English words. The product phase is very good, add a bit of historical charm of vicissitudes of life, complement each other, bring out the best in each other, belong to the rare treasure, have the collection value extremely!


Ancient coins have experienced changes for thousands of years and witnessed changes of wind and rain for thousands of years. Its strong cultural and ideological deposits make ancient coins have very profound historical and cultural significance in addition to the beauty contained in their own, and also give it a certain collection and investment value. This coin after years of baptism, the coin pulp into the bone, mature old nature, deep typing mouth clear, circulation traces are obvious, edge teeth clearance, clear dragon pattern, has a very high investment value and collection value.


Now the "Qing copper coin" price all the way skyrocketing, resulting in counterfeiting more and more intense. Now the circulation on the market, most of them are fake, because the number of genuine "Qing Dynasty copper coins" is extremely rare. So also caused the "Daqing copper coin" in the market value of the collection.







