
考前看两遍 至少涨五分!


1. dig-dug-dug-digging

2. spread-spread-spread-spreading

3. cost-cost-cost-costing

4. occur-occurred-occurred-occurring-occurrence

5. burst-burst-burst-bursting

6. awake-awoke-awoken

7. wake-woke-woken

8. bite-bit-bitten-biting

9. blow-blew-blown

10. break-broke -broken

11. understand-understood-understood

12. fall-fell-fallen

13. shake-shook-shaken

14. hear-heard-heard

15. stick-stuck-stuck

16. strike-struck-struck/stricken

17. write-wrote-written-writing

18. destroy-destroyed-destroyed

19. rise-rose-risen

20. arise-arose-arisen

21. sit-sat-sat

22. lie(躺)-lay-lain-lying



23. speed-sped-sped-speeding

24. freeze-froze-frozen

25. begin-began-begun-beginning

26. panic-panicked-panicked

27. drive-drove-driven-driving

28. fly-flew-flown-flying

29. prefer-preferred-preferred-preferring

30. permit-permitted-permitted-permitting

31. refer-referred-referred-referring

32. plan-planned-planned-planning

33. stop -stopped-stopped-stopping

34. equip-equipped-equipped

35. control-controlled-controlled

36. admit-admitted-admitted

37. submit-submitted-submitted

38. commit-committed-committed

39. regret-regretted-regretted

40. knit-knitted-knitted

41. hit-hit-hit-hitting

42. hurt-hurt-hurt-hurting

43. broadcast-broadcast-broadcast

44. let-let-let-letting

45. put-put-put-putting

46. read-read-read-reading

47. rid-rid-rid-ridding

48. set-set-set-setting

49. shut-shut-shut-shutting

50. forget-forgot-forgotten

51. try-tried-tried-trying

52. cry-cried-cried-crying

53. reply-replied-replied-replying

54. swim-swam-swum-swimming

55. eat-ate-eaten-eating

56. hug-hugged-hugged-hugging

57. forbid-forbad/forbade-forbidden-forbidding

58. catch-caught-caught

59. teach-taught-taught

60. become-became-become

61. come-came-come

62. bring-brought-brought

63. buy-bought-bought

64. fight-fought-fought

65. think-thought-thought

66. seek-sought-sought

67. feel-felt-felt fall-fell-fallen

68. keep-kept-kept

69. leave-left-left

70. sweep-swept-swept-sweeping

71. weep-wept-wept-weeping

72. drink-drank-drunk

73. sing-sang-sung

74. ring-rang-rung

75. burn-burnt/burned-burnt/burned

76. deal-dealt-dealt

77. hear-heard-heard

78. mean-meant-meant

79. build-built-built

80. bend-bent-bent

81. lend-lent-lent

82. send-sent-sent

83. spend-spent-spent

84. wear-wore-worn

85. swear-swore-sworn

86. bear-bore-born/borne

87. bet-bet-bet-betting

88. cast-cast-cast-casting

89. choose-chose-chosen

90. draw-drew-drawn

91. feed-fed-fed

92. flee-fled-fled

93. forgive-forgave-forgiven

94. get-got-got-getting

95. hide-hid-hidden-hiding

96. hold-held-held-holding

97. know-knew-known

98. lead-led-led-leading

99. lose-lost-lost

100. mistake-mistook-mistaken

101. take-took-taken

102. pay-paid-paid

103. ride-rode-ridden-riding

104. see-saw-seen

105. sell-sold-sold

106. shoot-shot-shot-shooting

107. sink-sank-sunk

108. sleep-slept-slept-sleeping

109. slide-slid-slid

110. spring-sprang-sprung

111. stand-stood-stood

112. steal-stole-stolen-stealing

113. swing-swung-swung

114. tell-told-told

115. win-won-won-winning

116. withdraw-withdrew-withdrawn



1. convenience convenient

2. wisdomwise

3. freedom free

4. crueltycruel

5. fluency fluent

6. frequency frequent

7. efficiencyefficient

8. benefit beneficial

9. convenience convenient

10. popular popularity

11. accuracy accurate

12. privacy private

13. anxiety anxious

14. curiosity  curious

15. caution  cautious

16. energy energetic

17. sympathy sympathetic

18. globe global

19. honesty honest

20. origin original

21. generosity generous

22. poverty poor

23. magicianmagic

24. courage courageous

25. fortune fortunate


1. assume      assumption

2. satisfy       satisfaction

3. conserve       conservation

conservative adj.

4. argue          argument

5. apologize      apology

6. recommend   recommendation

7. exhibit       exhibition

8. resist        resistance

9. occur        occurrence

10. approve     approval

11. invade       invasion

12.invite        invitation

13. invent       invention

14. expose       exposure

15. recognize     recognition

16. describe      description

17. marry        marriage

18. begin        beginning

19. destroy      destruction

20. exist        existence

21. persuade    persuasion

persuasive adj.

22. occupy      occupation

23. pronounce    pronunciation

24. compete     competition

competitor  competitive adj.

25. consume    consumption

26. expect      expectation

27. believe     belief

28. prefer       preference

29. explain      explanation

30. adapt       adaptation

31. adopt       adoption

32. reduce      reduction

33. complain     complaint

34. attend      attendance

35. annoy      annoyance


1. true         truly

2. specific     specifically

3. scientific      scientifically

4. public         publicly

5. probable      probably

6. possible      possibly

7. terrible        terribly

8. gentle         gently

9. comfortable    comfortably

10.energetic      energetically

11. automatic     automatically

12. lucky      luckily

13. official    officially

14. gradual    gradually

15. unique   uniquely

16. full  fully

17. possible   possibly


1. 假期vacation

2. 难忘的unforgettable

3. 指导guidance

4. 信封envelope

5. 象征symbol

6. 认为 suppose

7. 残忍cruelty

8. 时间表schedule

9. 保证guarantee

10. 风景scenery

11. 大学university

12. 推荐recommend

13. 运动员athlete

14. 种类variety

15. 相似的similar-similarity

16. 极度地extremely

17. 感觉,意义sense

18. 经验,经历 experience

19. 练习,锻炼exercise

20. 当今nowadays

21. 政府government

22. 环境environment

23. 难以相信的unbelievable

24. attract吸引 attack进攻 attach系、缚

25. snake蛇 snack小吃 nap小憩


1. 呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb. to do sth.

2. 用...招待treat...to...

3. 对某事有判断力[鉴赏力]have an eye for

4. 双目失明be blind in both eyes

5. 对...充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to

6. 对...该负责be to blame for

7. 你方便的时候at your earliest convenience

8. 对...有怜悯之心have/show sympathy for

9. 一则好消息a good piece of news

10. 安排某人做某事arrange for sb. to do sth

11. 批准某人做某事 approve of sb doing sth.

12. 加入辩论小组join the debate team

13. 加入辩论join in the debate

14. 下周五早晨on the morning of next Friday =next Friday morning

15. 听音乐listen to music

16. 本周六上午八点at eight this Saturday morning

17. 在下周末next weekend

18. 使某人惊讶的是to one’s surprise

19. 大多数学生most students = most of the students = the majority of students

20. 英语取得很大进步make great progress in English

21. 对某人友好treat sb nicely/kindly/well, be friendly to sb

22. 友好地帮我help me in a friendly way= be friendly to me

23. 等待某人做某事wait for sb. to do sth.

24. 在...基础上on the basis of

25. 参加活动take part in/join in

take an active part in

participate in

play an important role in

25. 陪伴某人keep somebody company= accompany somebody

26. 收到某人来信hear from somebody


Fill in the blanks.

1. The shirt _______(cost) her all the money, so she had to borrow some money.

2. An unexpected accident _________(occur) to him this morning.

3. Earthquake is common ________(occur) in Japan.

4. At the exciting news, they all _________(burst) into tears.

5. The tornado _______(blow) the trees to the ground.

6. They got ________(stick) in the traffic jam and came late.

7. The clock ________(strike) eight and the students got ready for a new class.

8. It is the first time that she ______(write) an English poem.

9. He is busy _______(write) his homework.

10. Many houses ________(destroy) in the Tangshan Earthquake.

11. The boy _______(lie) on the ground ________(lie) that a cock _______(lay) an egg.

12. At the ________(begin), the water felt _______(freeze) and then the whole river got ________(freeze).

13. He ________(plan) to go to the university that you _______(refer) to the other day.

14. The student was _________(admit) to the key university at last.

15. What he said _________(hurt) the girl deeply.

16. The student _________(reply) to the teacher as soon as he could.

17. The artist ________(draw) a few more paintings and _______(choose) the best for his friend.

18. The bad man forced the girl to stand in the cold with ________(cruel).

19. The president invited the guest to visit at his ___________(convenient).

20. The dictionary __________(benefit) him a lot to go to university, so it is very ________(benefit).

21. To the family’s _________(satisfy), he was ________(admit) to the key university.

22. Jack went out of the classroom as he got the teacher’s _________(approve).

23. Your __________(describe) of the thief is still not very clear.

24. In nature, the _________(adapt) of animals is passed down generation after generation.

25. Why wouldn’t you listen to my __________(explain) although my _________(pronounce) is not so good.

26. It is very kind of you to treat me _______ the delicious food.

27. 欢迎加入我们团队。______________________________________________________

28. 大多数同学发现英语越来越容易学。_________________________________________

29. 目前,政府正在采取有效措施阻止环境被破坏。_______________________________

30. 只有你对别人友好,别人才会对你友好。_____________________________________

Possible answers:

1. cost 2. occurred 3. occurrence 4. burst 5. blew 6. stuck 7. struck 8. has written 9. writing 10. were destroyed 11. lying, lied, laid 12. beginning, freezing, frozen 13. planned, referred 14. admitted 15. hurt 16. replied 17. drew, chose 18. cruelty 19. convenience 20. benefited, beneficial 21. satisfaction 22. approval 23. description 24. adaptation 25. explanation, pronunciation 26. to 27. Welcome to join us. 28. Most of the students find English easier and easier to learn./ Most students find English easier and easier to learn./ The majority of students find English easier and easier to learn. 29. Nowadays, the government is taking effective measures to prevent the environment from being destroyed. 30. Only when you are friendly to others can they be friendly to you.

