
位于贡比涅森林(Forest of Compiègne)的休战空地,是一战重要的纪念场所之一。1918年11月11日,停战协议在此处的一辆火车上签下,成为让全世界铭记的历史时刻。受20世纪的这场残酷战争的影响,上法兰西大区(Hauts de France)相关部门决定纪念这一遗址,因此修建了上法兰西大区象征着和平的战争纪念性公园。同时,公园的构建体现出该场地在景观艺术上顽强的生命力。

The Armistice glade, in the Forest of Compiègne, is one of the most significant site of World War One. The Armistice was signed there, on the 11th of november 1918, in a rail coach, today worldwide known. Impacted by the brutality of the 20’s century wars, the region Hauts de France chose to celebrate tomorrow’sheritage and affirmitsre silience in landscapeart by creating an itinerary on the sites of memory of the Great War : the gardens of peace | Hauts-de-France.

第三列火车公园是一个法德合作性项目,由景观设计师Marc Blume,艺术家Gilles Brusset及建筑师Francesca Liggieri共同设计。设计围绕着通往休战空地停车场的林荫小路展开,使游客在前往空地前,即能享受到难忘的游览体验。

The garden of the third train, designed by the landscaper Marc Blume, the artist Gilles Brusset and the architect Francesca Liggieri, is a Franco-German project taking place around the allee joining the parking to the glade, making it a memorable walk before discovering the location of the Armistice.


Inside the undergrowth, the three designers thought about a symbolic and plastic parallel between the trails of the trenches of the Great War and the shapes drawed by the filaments of the mycelian network. Following this pattern, the paths of the garden make their way windingly through the foliage, creating rounded and planted areas where different essences of the forest can beseen. Adding itself to this maze leading to the discovery of the undergrowth, an elongated bench crosses the garden and invites contemplation.


The garden of the third train is an undergrowth garden which embraces the vastness of humus. It takes on the perception of the visitors through their movement in spaceand encourage the discovery of a peacefull place by offering new, wringely and random paths.


He takes place like a third component between the trees and the people : a link that associates contemplation, meditation and celebration of life.

项目名称:The Third Train

设计师:Gilles Brusset


项目团队:Francesca Liggieri + Marc Blume




照片来源:©Pierre-Yves Brunaud

Short office name: Gilles Brusset

Role of your office in the project: artist

Website: paysarchitectures.com

Other designers involved in the design of landscape: Francesca Liggieri + Marc Blume

Project location: France

Design year: 2018

Year Built:  2019



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