叶读36——Dolores 4


All shrines that were Vestal are flameless,

But the flame has not fallen from this;

Though obscure be the god, and though nameless

The eyes and the hair that we kiss;

Low fires that love sits by and forges

Fresh heads for his arrows and thine;

Hair loosened and soiled in mid orgies

With kisses and wine.




Thy skin changes country and colour,

And shrivels or swells to a snake's.

Let it brighten and bloat and grow duller,

We know it, the flames and the flakes,

Red brands on it smitten and bitten,

Round skies where a star is a stain,

And the leaves with thy litanies written,

Our Lady of Pain.




On thy bosom though many a kiss be,

There are none such as knew it of old.

Was it Alciphron once or Arisbe,

Male ringlets or feminine gold,

That thy lips met with under the statue,

Whence a look shot out sharp after thieves

From the eyes of the garden-god at you

Across the fig-leaves?




Then still, through dry seasons and moister,

One god had a wreath to his shrine;

Then love was the pearl of his oyster,

And Venus rose red out of wine.

We have all done amiss, choosing rather

Such loves as the wise gods disdain;

Intercede for us thou with thy father,

Our Lady of Pain.




In spring he had crowns of his garden,

Red corn in the heat of the year,

Then hoary green olives that harden

When the grape-blossom freezes with fear;

And milk-budded myrtles with Venus

And vine-leaves with Bacchus he trod;

And ye said, "We have seen, he hath seen us,

A visible God."




What broke off the garlands that girt you?

What sundered you spirit and clay?

Weak sins yet alive are as virtue

To the strength of the sins of that day.

For dried is the blood of thy lover,

Ipsithilla, contracted the vein;

Cry aloud, "Will he rise and recover,

Our Lady of Pain?"




Cry aloud; for the old world is broken:

Cry out; for the Phrygian is priest,

And rears not the bountiful token

And spreads not the fatherly feast.

From the midmost of Ida, from shady

Recesses that murmur at morn,

They have brought and baptized her, Our Lady,

A goddess new-born.




And the chaplets of old are above us,

And the oyster-bed teems out of reach;

Old poets outsing and outlove us,

And Catullus makes mouths at our speech.

Who shall kiss, in thy father's own city,

With such lips as he sang with, again?

Intercede for us all of thy pity,

Our Lady of Pain.




Out of Dindymus heavily laden

Her lions draw bound and unfed

A mother, a mortal, a maiden,

A queen over death and the dead.

She is cold, and her habit is lowly,

Her temple of branches and sods;

Most fruitful and virginal, holy,

A mother of gods.




She hath wasted with fire thine high places,

She hath hidden and marred and made sad

The fair limbs of the Loves, the fair faces

Of gods that were goodly and glad.

She slays, and her hands are not bloody;

She moves as a moon in the wane,

White-robed, and thy raiment is ruddy,

Our Lady of Pain.





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