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Duration of EEG suppression does not predict recovery time or degree of cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia in human volunteers
方 法
本研究纳入了27名健康志愿者(9名女性/18名男性),用1.3 MAC异氟醚麻醉3小时,麻醉期间记录脑电图。利用频谱成分分析法计算脑电图抑制和非抑制的持续时间。参与者完成了数字符号替换测试和精神运动警惕测试试验。
结 果
结 论
Shortal BP, Hickman LB, Mak-McCully RA,etal. Duration of EEG suppression does not predict recovery time or degree of cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia in human
volunteers. Br J Anaesth. 2019 Jun 12. PMID: 31202561.
Background: Burst suppression occurs in the EEG during coma and under general anaesthesia. It has been assumed that burst suppression represents a deeper state of anaesthesia from which it is more diffificult to recover. This has not been directly
demonstrated, however. Here, we test this hypothesis directly by assessingrelationships between EEG suppression in human volunteers and recovery of consciousness.
Methods: We recorded the EEG of 27 healthy humans (nine women/18 men) anaesthetised with isoflflurane 1.3 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) for 3 h. Periods of EEG suppression and non-suppression were separated using principal component analysis of the spectrogram. After emergence, participants completed the digit symbol substitution test and the psychomotor vigilance test.
Results: Volunteers demonstrated marked variability in multiple features of the suppressed EEG. In order to test the hypothesis that, for an individual subject, inclusion of features of suppression would improve accuracy of a model built to predict time of emergence, two types of models were constructed: one with a suppression-related feature included and one without. Contrary to our hypothesis, Akaike information criterion demonstrated that the addition of a suppression-related feature did not improve the ability of the model to predict time to emergence. Furthermore, the amounts of EEG suppression and decrements in cognitive task performance relative to pre-anaesthesia baseline were not signifificantly correlated.
Conclusions: These fifindings suggest that, in contrast to current assumptions, EEG suppression in and of itself is not an important determinant of recovery time or the degree of cognitive impairment upon emergence from anaesthesia in healthy adults.
翻译:王贵龙 编辑:何幼芹 审校:王贵龙