印度疫情8月23日与十大新闻(马鲁蒂铃木印度被处以20亿卢比罚款;腾讯正与Pocket FM进行谈判;印度第三波疫情即将到来)

在 4 月和 5 月,在第二波疫情期间,印度出现了 40 万例病例,死亡人数创历史新高。人们也因缺乏医用氧气和医疗设施而苦苦挣扎,这是反对党在最近举行的季风议会会议期间严重提出的问题。与此同时,由印度内政部 (MHA) 下属机构设立的专家小组预测,第三波可能在 9 月至 10 月之间的任何时间袭击该国,并建议大幅加快疫苗接种步伐。
由国家灾害管理研究所 (NIDM) 组成的专家委员会还表示,儿童将面临与成人相似的风险,因为儿科设施、医生和呼吸机、救护车等设备远未达到可能需要的水平以防大量儿童被感染。这份已提交给总理办公室 (PMO) 的报告指出,印度只有约 7.6%(10.4 千万)的人完全接种两剂疫苗,如果目前的疫苗接种率不提高,在下一波印度每天可能会出现 60 万例病例。
累计病例量已增至 3,24,49,306 例,而全国康复率已升至 97.63%,为 2020 年 3 月以来的最高水平。
过去 24 小时内有 44,157 例新康复,现在康复总数为 3,16,80,626。
活跃的冠状病毒病例已降至 3,33,924 例,为 155 天以来的最低水平,占总感染人数的 1.03%,为 2020 年 3 月以来的最低水平。
死亡人数攀升至 4,34,756 人,新增死亡 389 人。
每日阳性率为 1.94%。在过去的 28 天里,它一直低于 3%。
根据印度医学研究委员会 (ICMR) 的数据,周日进行了多达 12,95,160 次测试,使该国迄今为止进行的累计测试总数达到 50,75,51,399 次。
同时,到目前为止,共有 58,25,49,595 人接种了新冠疫苗,其中在过去 24 小时内接种了 7,95,543 剂。


India has emerged as the second most sought after manufacturing destination across the world indicating the growing interest shown by manufacturers in India as a preferred manufacturing hub over other countries, including the U.S and those in the Asia-Pacific region, showed Cushman & Wakefield’s 2021 Global Manufacturing Risk Index.
The rising focus on India can be attributed to India’s operating conditions and cost competitiveness. Also, the country’s proven success in meeting outsourcing requirements has led to the increase in the ranking year on year. ET
班加罗尔 | 孟买:据多位创始人和投资者称,随着全球资本从经受监管冲击的中国科技公司转移,印度科技初创公司今年将进一步吸纳创纪录的风险资本流入。
Bengaluru | Mumbai: Indian technology startups, which are mopping up record inflows of venture capital this year, will gain further as global capital moves away from Chinese tech companies that are weathering a regulatory onslaught, according to multiple founders and investors. ET
腾讯(Tencent)正与总部位于古尔冈(gurgaon)的Pocket FM进行谈判,以引领一轮投资。这是这家中国巨头在印度市场扩大其消费者互联网投资组合的最新举措。
据三名知情人士透露,这家中国公司已经是Pocket FM的投资者,目前正在进行谈判,以牵头Pocket FM的2000万至2500万轮融资。两名知情人士说,拟议的条款对这家成立仅三年的初创公司的估值在7500万至1亿美元之间。现有投资者时代互联(Times Internet)的品牌资本(Brand Capital)和光速(Lightspeed)也参与了这轮融资。
Tencent is in advanced stages of talks to lead an investment round in Gurgaon-headquartered Pocket FM, the latest in the Chinese giant’s push to broaden its consumer internet portfolio in the Indian market.
The Chinese firm, which is already an investor in Pocket FM, is in talks to lead a ~20-25 million round in Pocket FM, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.
The proposed term values the three-year-old startup between $75 million to $100 million, two people said. Existing investors Times Internet’s Brand Capital and Lightspeed are also participating in the round. techcrunch
新德里:在所得税门户网站“不可用”一天后,印度财政部周日表示,已于周一“传唤”印孚瑟斯首席执行官Salil Parekh,解释为何在平台上线两个半月后仍未纠正错误。
NEW DELHI: A day after the income tax portal became “unavailable”, the finance ministry on Sunday said it has “summoned” Infosys CEO Salil Parekh on Monday to explain why errors have not been fixed even two-and-a-half months after the platform was launched.
Although the “emergency maintenance” of the site was completed on Sunday evening, and it went live again, the shutdown had caused considerable embarrassment. TOI
All breakthrough infections of the coronavirus (Covid-19) disease recorded in India so far have been caused by its Delta and Alpha variants, and no new strain of the virus has been reported in the country so far, said a senior official of the department of biotechnology. hindustantimes
新德里:上周,印度工商部长皮尤什·戈亚尔 (Piyush Goyal) 排除了在不久的将来与美国达成任何贸易协定的可能性。
New Delhi: Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal last week ruled out any trade agreements with the United States in the near future.
He, however, assured exporters that the government is working with the United States on issues of market access for Indian exporters. theprint
瑞银表示,随着这家瑞士银行在全球范围内转向成为一个更加灵活的组织,其印度部门将在产品开发中发挥更重要的作用。瑞银商业解决方案印度负责人 乌代·奥德德拉 表示,许多围绕核心基础设施自动化和简化的工作将在印度境外完成。
UBS said its India unit will play a more important role in product development as the Swiss bank pivots globally towards becoming a more agile organisation. A lot of work around automation and simplification of the core infrastructure would be done out of India, said Uday Odedra, India head, UBS Business Solutions. TOI
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) on Monday imposed a penalty of Rs 200 crore on Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) for anti-competitive conduct of Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) in the passenger vehicle segment, the ministry of corporate affairs said in a statement.
In 2019, the watchdog started looking into allegations that Maruti forces its dealers to limit the discounts they offer. This ultimately results in affecting consumers who could have benefited from lower prices if dealers operated freely.
The regulator found that Maruti Suzuki had an agreement with its dealers whereby the dealers were restrained from offering discounts to the customers beyond those prescribed by the automaker.
Under 'Discount Control Policy for its dealers, India’s largest carmaker discouraged the dealers from giving extra discounts, freebies, etc. to the consumers beyond what were permitted by the company. The dealers had to take a prior approval from Maruti Suzuki for offering any discounts. NEWS18
NEW DELHI: The government is against the merger of beleaguered Vodafone Idea with state-owned BSNL and MTNL, multiple sources have told TOI.
“How can we even allow this. It’s almost like having privatisation of profits, and nationalisation of losses?” a senior officer said. TOI