
“浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归” -- 曾皙


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原名:Temperature sensitivity of permafrost carbon release mediated by mineral and microbial properties





在线发表:2021年 8月

第一作者:Shuqi Qin

通讯作者:Yuanhe Yang


DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abe3596





永久冻土区(被定义为至少连续两年保持在0°C或以下的土地)占北半球裸地的24%。目前的研究报告显示,永久冻土区表层3m的土壤中储存了约1014 Pg的碳。气候变暖使冻土解冻,导致大量的有机质暴露在被微生物降解的风险下。在寒冷地区,由于土壤有机质(SOM)分解高的温度敏感性,可能对气候变暖起到强烈的正反馈作用。这个概念正在被越来越多的证据证实——原位试验和模型模拟都记录了解冻后冻土土壤碳的快速损失和加速变暖。然而,Q10参数的不准确是构成模型预测碳-气候反馈的主要不确定性原因之一,在没有任何缓解行为的气候路径下,预测在2010年至2299年,永久冻土区的土壤碳损失将在74至652 Pg C之间。因此,准确评估永久冻土碳释放的温度敏感性及其机制,对于更准确地预测冻土碳的动态变化及其对气候变暖的反馈至关重要。


青藏高原有着世界上最大的中低纬度冻土区,表层3m 的土壤储存着15.3 Pg C。在RCP 4.5 和RCP 8.5 的进程下,到2100年,快速变暖将导致高原冻土分别损失~1.9 Pg和~3.8 Pg C,这表明该地区冻土中碳的脆弱性较高。然而,对该地区冻土融化后Q10的研究相对较少,现有的证据主要来自于北极永久冻土区。为了弥补上述数据与知识空缺,研究者在青藏高原1000公里样带的24个地点对活动层(即季节性融化的表层地面层)下的冻土进行了取样(Fig. 1),随后用采集到的土样进行了两个持续400天和28天的培养试验,结合一级动力学方程计算了冻土融化后的潜在碳释放能力与Q10。在确定了四种与Q10相关的解释因素后(矿物保护、微生物特性、底物质量和土壤变量),通过结构方程模型和方差分解分析进一步确定了这些因素对冻土碳释放和Q10的相对重要性。



(一)   冻土碳释放与Q10的空间变异性

累积碳释放量与Q10在24个样点上展现出了很强的空间变异。400天 5°C的培养中,累计释放的有机碳从12.3 增加到268.6 mg CO2-C g-1 ,平均为90.7±14.7 mg CO2-C g-1。所有的土壤在15°C 培养时累积碳释放量都很高,400天培养的平均值为176.8±29.6 mg CO2-C g-1。为了进一步探讨冻土融化后碳释放的温度响应,采用一室两库模型,结合400天的培养试验,计算了土壤和不同碳库的Q10。其中,土壤的Q10在1.3-2.6之间变化,平均为2.1±0.1(Fig. 1 B)。而活性与惰性碳库Q10的范围分别为1.3-3.3和1.8-2.7。

Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of cumulative CO2 -C release and bulk soil Q10 across the Tibetan permafrost region. (A) Cumulative CO 2 -C release at 5°C. (B) Bulk soil Q10 . Both the variables were derived from the 400-day incubation. Bubble size is proportional to the value of the corresponding variable, with larger size representing higher value. The inset shows the geographical location of the 24 sampling sites based on the map of permafrost distribution on the Tibetan Plateau.

(二)  冻土碳释放的直接与间接驱动因素

根据矿物保护、微生物特性、基质质量和土壤变量,作者建立了累积碳释放和Q10与预测因子的关系。其中,冻土解冻后的碳释放与以活性矿物含量与有机碳-矿物结合为特征的矿物保护呈负相关(Fig. 2, A-F),与微生物丰度和水解酶活性呈正相关(Fig. 2, G-J)。这四类预测因子共同解释了92%的冻土碳释放。其中,矿物保护和微生物特性对碳的释放分别有直接的负作用和正作用,矿物保护对微生物特性存在间接地负面影响。此外,土壤变量对冻融后碳的释放也有间接影响(Fig. 4A)。

Fig. 2. Relationships of cumulative CO2 -C release with mineral protection and microbial properties. (A to F) Factors characterizing mineral protection, including the content of SOC stored in MAOM fraction (OC-MAOM), the content of SOC associated with Fe oxides (OC-Fe) and Ca bridges (OC-Ca), the content of poorly crystalline and organically complexed Fe/Al oxides (Fe o + Al o and Fe p + Al p ), and the ratio of amorphous Si to poorly crystalline Al (Si/Al o ). (G to L) Factors characterizing microbial properties, including microbial abundances, community structure, enzyme activities, and microbial diversity. F/B, fungal/bacterial ratio; hydrolase activity, the sum of activities of BG, NAG, LAP, and AP; oxidase activity, phenol oxidase activity; microbial diversity, the average of the standardized bacterial and fungal diversity indexes. The linear regression lines with 95% confidence intervals reflect the predicted effects of fixed factors. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.

Fig. 3. Relationships of bulk soil and slow C pool Q 10 with mineral protection and microbial properties. (A) Standardized regression coefficients of the factors of mineral protection and microbial properties with bulk soil and slow C pool Q10 , with the color indicating the strength and sign of the relationship. (B to E) Relationships between Q10 and the predictors retained in the optimal model by the stepwise selection procedure. The linear regression lines with 95% confidence intervals reflect the predicted effects of fixed factors. *P < 0.05. OC-MAOM, the content of SOC stored in MAOM fraction; OC-Fe and OC-Ca, the contentsExch of SOC associated with Fe oxides and Ca bridges; Fe d , pedogenic Fe oxides; Feo + Alo , poorly crystalline Fe/Al oxides; Fep + Alp , organically complexed Fe/Al oxides; Ca , exchangeable Ca2+ ; Si/Alo , the ratio of amorphous Si to poorly crystalline Al; F/B, fungal/bacterial ratio; hydrolase activity, the sum of activities of BG, NAG, LAP, and AP; oxidase activity, phenol oxidase activity; microbial diversity, the average of the standardized bacterial and fungal diversity indexes.

(三)  冻土融化后Q10的重要预测因子

矿物保护与微生物特性是Q10变化的重要预测因子(Fig. 3)。总的来说,培养400天后的土壤与惰性碳库的Q10均与有机碳-钙离子结合水平、铁铝氧化物水平、微生物多样性指数呈负相关;与水解酶活性呈正相关(Fig. 3 A)。此外,细菌磷脂脂肪酸含量和氧化酶活性对惰性碳库Q10存在正面影响,而细菌多样性指数则呈现负面影响。逐步回归分析发现,有机碳-钙离子结合水平与微生物多样性是土壤与惰性碳库Q10的主要预测变量(Fig.3, B-E)。


Fig. 4. Effects of abiotic and biotic factors on cumulative CO2-C release and Q10 . (A) SEM for cumulative CO2 -C release. (B and C) Variation partitioning analysis for bulk soil and slow C pool Q10. In (A), solid and dotted arrows represent positive and negative relationships, respectively. Arrow width is proportional to the strength of the relationship. Numbers adjacent to arrows denote standardized path coefficients. Substrate quality, mineral protection, and microbial properties are the first components from the PCA conducted with the factors listed in the rectangles, with “↑” and “↓” indicating a positive or negative correlation between the factors and the first component from the PCA, respectively. In (B) and (C), mineral protection and microbial properties denote the corresponding factors retained in the optimal model by the stepwise selection procedure (i.e., OC-Ca and microbial diversity as shown in Fig. 3). Numbers in the overlapping area of the two circles are the shared effects of the two factors, and in each circle are the unique effects of the corresponding factor. OC-MAOM, the content of SOC stored in MAOM fraction; OC-Fe and OC-Ca, the contents of SOC associated with Fe oxides and Ca bridges; Feo + Alo , poorly crystalline Fe/Al oxides; Fep + Alp , organically complexed Fe/Al oxides; Si/Alo , the ratio of amorphous Si to poorly crystalline Al; F/B, fungal/bacterial ratio; hydrolase activity, the sum of activities of BG, NAG, LAP, and AP; Ali./poly., aliphatics/polysaccharides. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001. AIC, Akaike information criterion.



  1. 青藏高原永久冻土的碳释放与Q10存在空间变异性,在将Q10纳入冻土碳模型中时要考虑它的空间变异性。

  2. 矿物保护和微生物特性是冻土碳释放和Q10的重要预测因子。矿物保护减弱了冻土碳的累积释放量和Q10,特别是在惰性碳库中。微生物特性在影响冻土区碳命运中存在着双重作用,即较高的微生物丰度和活性对Q10有正面影响,而较高的微生物多样性对Q10存在负面影响。


Shuqi Qin, Dan Kou, Chao Mao, Yongliang Chen, Yuanhe Yang, Temperature sensitivity of permafrost carbon release mediated by mineral and microbial properties. Science Advances,  2021(32), 3596.

