Metro English-330 - ​Logger​ 伐木工



The task of working all day cutting down large trees sounds dangerous enough without adding fast-moving machinery into the mix. Lumberjacks have one of the most life-threatening careers with the highest rate of workplace fatalities.


The only thing that can be said to be scarier than bringing down a heavy and tall tree is operating the machine used in making this a possibility. The job hazard is made visible when one will have to control and operate the machine while you are suspended in the air for a couple of minutes- perhaps hours.


Bureau of labor statistics reported that in 2016, log workers have the highest rates of deaths with an average death count of about 136 deaths out of 100,000 workers- at 91 reported workplaces. Most of these deaths occurred from equipment errors and falling from trees.

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of labor statistics)报告称,2016年,伐木工人的死亡率最高,平均死亡人数约为10万名工人中有136人,来自91个工作场所。这些死亡大多是由于设备故障和从树上坠落造成的。

Lumberjacks  伐木工

hazard 危险

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