生活中不乏杞人忧天或大惊小怪的人,他们常常被鸡毛蒜皮的事所困扰,以致于经常开小差,耽误了不好事情,浪费了很多时间。虽然开小差是很正常的一种心理活动,但是每个人的思相都应该有个主心骨,思相才能更集中,才不至于迷失自我。想到开小差,首先想到的是单词 desert,它常用作名词,意为”沙漠“,但是它也可以用来表示军人脱离队伍私自逃跑,类似的表示脱逃的或擅离职守等的还有 decamp [dɪˈkæmp] 和 abscond [əbˈskɒnd] 等 ,或一个缩略语 AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave),例如:Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable.战败已成定局,许多士兵开小差跑了。The wealthier residents decamped from downtown.富裕的居民从市中心逃走了。He absconded with the company funds.他卷走公司的资金潜逃了。He stained his military record by going AWOL [ˈeɪwɒl].他因擅离职守而玷污了军绩。The guitarist went AWOL in the middle of the recording.录音录到一半吉他手溜走了。现在“开小差”常用来比喻思想不集中(absent-minded)或走神,此时可以用单词 wander 来表示,例如:His mind wanders whenever he attends a meeting.他一开会思想就开小差儿。Try not to let your mind wander.尽量别让你的思想开小差。His mind would wander, and he would lose track of what he was doing.他会走神,忘了自己正在干什么。我们还可以使用一个非常贴切的短语 miles away 来比喻思想不集中,它的字面意思是”英里以外“,因此它也可以用来表示距离,例如:1. 多少英里远或之外The nearest town is ten miles away.最近的集镇离这里有十英里远。She wished herself a million miles away.她恨不得自己远在百万英里之外。2. 开小差While I was teaching, I observed that Salina is miles away from the lecture.当我在教学时,我注意到萨利娜在没认真在听讲座。That meeting was quite important, but you were miles away.那次会议很重要,但你思想不集中。You could tell by the expression on her face that she was miles away, thinking about home.你可以从她脸上的表情看出她在开小差想家了。Are you even listening to me? You seem a miles away.你在听我说话吗?你好像注意力不集中。
值得注意的是,虽然 light years away 的构造跟 miles away 类似,但是它的寓意跟 miles away 的却是天壤之别,因此在学习的时候要区别对待,不能一概而论,例如:light years away 遥遥无期,遥远It all happened when I was at college, which seems light years away now that I'm over 50.这一切都发生在我上大学的时候,现在我已经50多岁了,这似乎离我很遥远。Full employment still seems light years away.充分就业好像依然是遥遥无期。不集中思想做事的人,往往心不在焉或在空想,因此我们还可以使用形容词 dreamy 和 absent-minded 来表达相关的意思,例如:She had a dreamy look in her eyes.她眼里带着心不在焉的神色。Carol was absent-minded and a little slow on the uptake.卡萝尔心不在焉,反应有点迟钝。词或词组辨析: 1. inevitable [ɪnˈevɪtəbl] 意为”不可避免的“等2. wealthier [ˈwɛlθɪə] 意为”富有的,富裕的“等3. decamp [dɪˈkæmp] 意为”偷偷逃走,突然离开“4. abscond [əbˈskɒnd] 意为”逃走,(携款)潜逃“5. lose track of 意为”不了解…的动态,与…失去联系“6. slow on the uptake 意为”领悟得慢“