SELECT total.*FROM (SELECT obj.class, obj.total_score, CASE WHEN @rowtotal = obj.total_score THEN @rownum WHEN @rowtotal := obj.total_score THEN @rownum := @rownum + 1 WHEN @rowtotal = 0 THEN @rownum := @rownum + 1 END AS rownum FROM (SELECT class, total_score FROM oc_exam_students_achievement ORDER BY total_score DESC) AS obj, (SELECT @rownum := 0, @rowtotal := NULL) r) AS totalWHERE total.class = 12; # 结果class total_score rownum 12 4105 12 4006 12 0 7 12 5401 12 5382 12 5043 12 4684
select s1.class,s1.`total_score`,(select count(0) + 1 from oc_exam_students_achievement s2 where s1.class = s2.class and s2.total_score > s1.total_score)rank from oc_exam_students_achievement s1 order by class,rank; # 结果class total_score rank 501 12 5401 12 5382 12 5043 12 4684 12 4105 12 4006 12 07 14 01
select class,max(`total_score`),min(total_score),avg(total_score),sum(total_score) as `total_score` from oc_exam_students_achievement where (`grade` = 3) and (`class` = 12) and (`exam_id` = 18) group by class; # 结果claa max min avg sum 125400408.57142860
select tags,count(id) as article_count from tb_post group by tags order by article_count desc # 结果tags article_count, 自动化测试、Python,20, PHP,7, 社会心理学,5, nginx,4, laravel,PHP,4, MySQL,4, django,3, 科幻小说,3, 热爱阅读,2, docker,2, 产品设计,1, 代码整洁,1, 工具,1, 自我修养,1, 二叉树,1, 思考力,1, Supervisor,1, vsftpd,1, 其他,1, vagrant,1, Linux,1, 程序员,1, 产品思路和设计,1, rsync,scp,1, beautifulsoup,1, redis,1, ssh,1
select DATE_FORMAT(posttime, '%Y年%m月') as years,DATE_FORMAT(posttime, '%Y-%m') as find_years,count(id) as article_num from tb_post group by years # 结果year find_year num 2021年02月2021-0255 2021年03月2021-0316
select count(id) as count from tb_post where DATE_FORMAT(posttime, '%Y-%m') = '2021-02'orselect count(id) as count from tb_post where posttime like '%2021-02%'; # 结果 count55
SELECT total_score AS total_score, CASEWHEN @pre = total_score THEN @pic + 0WHEN @pre := total_score THEN @pic := @pic + 1ELSE @pic := @pic + 1END AS Rank,exam_id,class,grade,student_id,numberFROM oc_students_achievement AS s, (SELECT @pre := NULL ,@pic := 0) AS init where s.exam_id = 19 and s.grade = 13 and s.class = 17 and s.exam_subject_id = 23ORDER BY total_score DESC
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