日课|英文短文English Passages for Beginners 09:The Polar Bear


The Polar Bear

The polar bear makes its home in the cold and icy Arctic. Other animals might freeze or starve. But the polar bear knows how to live in the snow.

Polar bears have thick blubber, or fat, that protects them from the cold. They also have a thick fur coat.

The polar bear's coat is white. This allows it to blend into the snow. That way, the polar bear can sneak up on its prey.

Polar bears swim well. They eat seals, walruses, small whales, and rodents. In the summer, they may eat berries.

Polar bears will also eat people. They may look cute and furry, but be careful of this big bear!








  1. icy 冰冷的;冰冻的

  2. Arctic 北极的;北极地区的

  3. freeze 极冷;(使)冻死

  4. starve (使)挨饿;饿死

  5. blubber 鲸脂;海兽脂

  6. protect 保护;防护

  7. blend  (和某物)混合;融合

  8. sneak up on 偷偷走近

  9. prey 猎物

  10. seal 海豹

  11. walrus 海象

  12. rodent 啮齿动物

  13. furry 毛茸茸的


Which sentence is true?

a. Polar bears blend into the snow.

b. Polar bears are black.

c. Polar bears blend into brown rocks.

d. Polar bears are white and black.


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