
Ⅲ. to “向,朝……”表目的地。接在动词come, go, return, proceed, move, march 等后。如:

① Let’s go to Yangzhou by steamer. 让咱们乘船去杨州吧!

② Soon after his return(he returned) to England, his father died. 当他回英国不久后,他的父亲便去世了。


treat/ heal


① The dentist is treating his teeth.牙医在为他治牙。

② The doctor healed my burns. 医生治好了我的烧伤。


used to do sth/ be used to doing sth/

be used to do sth/ would

Ⅰ. Used to do sth.“过去常常做某事”(现在不做了),只用于过去时态。如:

① He used to get up early.过去他常早起。(现在已不这样了)

② Her mother used to go shopping on Fridays, but now she does it on Sunday.她母亲过去常在周五去购物,但现在她周日去了。

Ⅱ. Be used to (doing)sth. “习惯于做某事”,be used 是被动语态结构。可用于现在、过去、将来多种时态。Be可用get, become等代替。如:

① He will be / has been used to getting up early. 他将会/ 已经习惯于早起。

Ⅲ. Be used to do sth. “被用于做某事”, be used 是被动语态结构,其中不定式表目的,可用于多种时态。如:

① Wood is used to make paper.木材用来造纸。

[注]:used to 的否定式有两种:一是:used not to 二是:didn’t use to 如:

① My father used not to smoke. = My father didn’t use to smoke.我爸爸过去不抽烟。

② They used not to live in the country. = They didn’t use to live in the country.

其疑问式是将used 提前,或添加助动词 did.

Ⅳ.would 是情态动词,没有象used to那样,有过去和现在的对比。不能说明是否现在还做不做。


very / right / just

Ⅰ. right “正好”“就” “立刻”等。如:

① Mike lives right opposite the street.麦克就住在街对面。

② There’s a big stone right in the middle of the road. 路正中有块在石头。

③ Lily met an accident right here. 莉莉就是在这儿出事的。

④ She’ll be right back. 她马上就回来。

Ⅱ. Just 作为副词,常用在祈使句前以加强语气。如:

① Just think of the result. 试想一下后果吧。

② Just touch it . 你摸摸吧。

③ Just wait a moment, please.请稍等。

Ⅲ. very 作为形容词,常与the, this或my, your等连用,以加强语气,表“正是那个”“恰好的”等。如:

① You are the very person I’m looking for. (= You are the right person …) 你正是我要找的人。

② The two men fought on this very spot. (= right in this place) 那两个男子就是在这个地方打起来的。


why not/ why don’t


▲ Let’s…

▲ Shall I / we … ?

▲ How / What about … ?

Ⅰ. why not “好的、可以呀、为什么不可以呢?”如:

①--Mum, may I go out to play basketball now? –Why not?

③ Why not ask your teacher? 怎么不去问一问你的老师呢?


① --I won’t see the film again. – Why not?

Ⅱ. why don’t 是一种友好的建议(a friendly suggestion).无论在什么场合,使用起来十分亲切。后面接主语。如:

① Why don’t you go swimming? 为什么不去游泳呢?

② Why don’t I give Lily some colourful pencils? 我给莉莉一些彩笔,好吗?


work / job

Ⅰ.job “工作”,既可指固定的工作,也可指临时的或某项具体的工作,是可数名词,前面可用不定冠词a, 也可以有复数形式。如:

① John lost his job. John失业了。

② There were just not enough jobs.没有 那么多的工作(可干)。

③ Tom’s father is looking for a job.

Ⅱ.work 是个普通用词,泛指一切工作,是不可数名词。如:

① I have a lot of work to this evening. 教师的工作就是教学。

② A teacher’s work is teaching.老师的工作就是教学。


apply/hung for a job.求职get/ find a job.找到一份工作

lose one’s job。失业perform odd job.打零工

quit a job. 辞职have/work a side job 兼职

take a part-time/full-time job in a department store.



work at/ work on/ work out

Ⅰ. work at 与work on 都可以作“从事于”,后接名词、代词、或动词-ing 形式作宾语。Work at 侧重于表示所从事的工作和性质,而不在于说明正在做什么。此时可将work at 译为“学习,研究,写作,致力于”等。如:

① They have worked at this subject for many years. 他们研究这个课题已经有好多年了。

② He is working at a new invention. 他正致力于一项新的发明。

Ⅱ. work on 侧重于表示“从事某项工作”。可将它译为“造;创作;画;做……”。宾语为其具体的对象。常用于进行时态和完成时态。还可表示:“继续工作;对……起作用”如:

① We’re workin on some wood-cuts. 他们正在创作一些木刻作品。

② He has been working on this painting for days. 这张画他已画了好些天了。

③ They will work on till sunset. 他们将继续工作,直到日落。

④ This medicine will work on the affected part. 这药能对患部起作用。


worth/ worthy


① Nobody knew the true worth of his work. 没有人知道他的工作的真实价值。

② Give me one yuan’s worth of apples. 给我一元钱的苹果。

▲ worth 作形容词时,只能用作表语,不能作定语,其后常跟钱数或相当于钱的词,表示:“值多少钱”;跟动词的-ing 形式,表示“值得(做)……”。如:

③ The dictionary is worth 5 yuan. 这本字典值5元钱。

④ The play is worth seeing. 这场戏值得一看。

Ⅱ.worthy 是形容词,意为“值得”,主要用作表语,后跟of , 再接名词或动词-ing 的被动形式。worthy 后也可跟不定式。如表被动意思须接不定式的被动语态。如:

① She is worthy of help. 她值得帮助。

② The watch is worthy of being bought. 这块表值得买

③ The question is worthy to be discussed. 这个问题值得讨论。


