

Prosthetic replacement 

This procedure carries a longer operating time, greater blood loss and a higher infection rate than internal fixation. However, in its favour is a much lower need for revision surgery (nearly four times less) when compared to internal fixation for stage III and IV fractures. The mortality rates are equivalent for the two groups but there is insufficient data to be certain there is a difference in morbidity (Masson, Parker et al. 2003). Some argue that prosthetic replacement is always preferable for stage III and IV fractures so that patients, particularly the elderly, are subject to one single surgical intervention (Figure 29.9). This is also true for patients with pathological fractures and those in whom closed reduction cannot be achieved.

Hip prostheses used for femoral neck fractures are usually of the femoral part only (hemiarthroplasty) and may be inserted with or without cement. Cemented prostheses have better mobility and less thigh pain; uncemented prostheses should be reserved for the very frail where the pre-injury status suggests that mobility is unlikely to be attained after operation and those who will benefit significantly from the reduced operating time. There is little evidence to support use of bipolar prostheses over unipolar types for the elderly group; the mortality, morbidity and functional recovery following use of either are similar.However, some studies suggest a longer survivorship of bipolar implants and an argument can be made for their use in younger patients.

Total hip replacement for femoral neck fractures may be indicated: (1) if treatment has been delayed for some weeks and acetabular damage is suspected, or (2) in patients with metastatic disease or Paget’s disease. Hip function and quality of life are reported to be better with total hip replacement, even when compared with hemiarthroplasty, and there is some justification for using this as a preferred option in the healthy, active person who needs treatment for a stage III or IV fracture (Keating, Grant et al. 2006).

Postoperatively, breathing exercises and early mobilization are important. Speed of recovery depends largely on how active the patient was before the fracture; after 2–4 months, further improvement is unlikely.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


revision surgery翻修手术

mortality  /mɔːrˈtæləti/

n. 死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运

morbidity  /mɔːrˈbɪdəti/

n. 发病率;病态;不健全


cement /sɪˈment/n. 水泥;接合剂;

Cemented prostheses 骨水泥型假体

uncemented prostheses

mobility /moʊˈbɪləti/n. 移动性;机动性;[电子] 迁移率

uncemented prostheses should be reserved for the very frail where the pre-injury status suggests that mobility is unlikely to be attained after operation and those who will benefit significantly from the reduced operating time. 非骨水泥假体应保留给非常虚弱的患者,因为损伤前状态表明手术后不太可能达到活动能力,并且那些将从减少的手术时间中获益的患者。

bipolar prostheses双极假体

unipolar types 单极类型

the mortality, morbidity and functional recovery following use of either are similar.两者的死亡率、发病率和功能恢复是相似的。

survivorship /sərˈvaɪvərʃɪp/n. 生存;生者对死者名下财产的享有权

metastatic disease(肿瘤)转移性疾病

/ˌmetəˈstætɪk/adj. (癌细胞的)转移性的;变形的;新陈代谢的








