
 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Pavone V, Vescio A, Turchetta M, et al. Injection-Based Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Systematic Review of Guidelines. Front Pharmacol. 2021;12:661805.本次学习由林小雯副主任医师主讲。

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections

The 2019 Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) international guidelines strongly recommended against Plateletrich plasma treatment in patients with knee OA: “there is concern regarding the heterogeneity and lack of standardization in available preparations of platelet-rich plasma, as well as techniques used, making it difficult to identify exactly what is being injected” (not recommended).

Also in the latest (2013) international guidelines of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, PRP is cited among the treatments that are not recommended for knee OA (not recommended).

PRP usage in the management of knee OA is taken into account in 2020 EULAR recommendations among the treatments that are not recommended for lack of evidence (not recommended) .




2020年EULAR指南中, 因缺乏临床证据,不建议PRP用于治疗膝OA患者。

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in its Guidelines for the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis published in 2018 declare that they recommend against the use of PRP injection for people with knee OA due to a lack of high-quality evidence (not recommended).

This review is the first critical appraisal of guidelines for the injection-based therapy of knee OA. Of the 5 guidelines that were identified, 1 was excluded.

The heterogeneity and lack of standardization in available preparations of platelet-rich plasma, as well as techniques used, making it difficult to identify exactly what is being injected are the principal reason of ACR strong recommendation against PRP injection in KOA.





An overall recommendation was provided according to the specific interventions across guidelines median calculation. These are presented as strongly recommended, recommended, recommended with caution, unsupported, and not recommended. None of the procedures were strongly recommended and recommended. Corticosteroid injection was recommended with caution. The use of hyaluronic injection was considered unsupported. The PRP injection was not recommended.

We observed a great discordance through guidelines on the recommendations for the use of corticosteroid injection and hyaluronic acid injection; the former was recommended with caution in one guideline, unsupported in one guideline, recommended in one guideline and recommended with caution in one guideline, the latter was recommended with caution in one guideline, explicitly not recommended in two guidelines and recommended in one guideline.

Instead, we noticed agreement in all retrieved guidelines PRP injections utilize in knee osteoarthritis; it was not recommended due to a lack of evidence.


根据指南中位数计算的具体干预措施进行了总结性推荐。分为强烈推荐、推荐、谨慎推荐、不支持、不推荐。没有一种方法是被强烈推荐和推荐的。谨慎推荐注射皮质类固醇。透明质酸注射被认为是不支持。不建议关节内 PRP 注射。



Giving a closer look to the recommendations of the guidelines on the use of corticosteroid injection and analysing the studies considered, five mild quality trials that compared intraarticular corticosteroids to placebo were found. All the studies were considered valid for hypothesis, blinding, treatment integrity or measurement domains. All five studies were flawed in the cohort assignment domain, and one study were flawed in the cohort comparation and researcher bias domains. These studies assessed relief of pain for a 4 weeks period. Four of these studies didn’t find corticosteroid to be superior to placebo at any time. One study included 98 patients demonstrated after 1 week a considerable variation between intra-articular steroid and placebo.

Only one study found intra-articular corticosteroids to be superior to placebo on Western Ontario and Mc Master University (WOMAC) total subscale scores at 4 weeks.





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