
I hope this email finds you well. (你当然可以加多些开场白,但不要搞那种hey friend、愿你心中也有阳光。。之类无关痛痒的话。在聊正事时,有聊正事该用的态度)Today I come to you with a concern on the impact related to the recent intensive fluctuation of the exchange rate. Also, I have a proposal of how we are going to deal with this in longer-term that could be fair and beneficial to both of us. (尽量在文章开头强调那是公平的,对等的。因为一提到加价,对手一定会有心理防御的,很难避免,必须尽力)
We are working on the price quoted in the middle of last year when the exchange rate was 6.X. (这裡we are working on是说我们现在用的价格是。。的意思),Clearly it is quite a big difference compared to now and the impact is too much for us or any company else to adsorb. (我们受不了!不止我们,任何一家都会受不了的)We would like to propose a new mechanism (这个字我最初在高中生物学时学到的,「机制」太重要了) that price could be adjusted with respect to (对应著的意思,当然你可以用更简单的related to,不过是我个人习惯而已) the change of exchange rate. (以下列点,不要用一大堆文字去说。因为这是在介绍一个慨念,用文未表达很易不清晰,列点最好,大大增强可读性)
◆We would like to use the latest quotation (at the rate of 6.X) as the baseline. Any change,plus or minus, exceeding 5% (这个你自定。我认为5%可以了,不要太小。外汇市场升跌几个点都是很正常的事,不要屁大的钱又去烦客户)of it would automatically trigger (这个字解作“触发”)a new quotation which ONLY reflect the adjustment of the impact from currency. (必须写明是only,说明我们大家都不会摸鱼,老老实实,认认真真地算帐)
◆When the currency back to the baseline, the price will be back to the baseline.
◆When the currency change exceeds 5% on the side favorable to you, we will reduce our price accordingly, to reflect the impact. (公平!)
We believe this is a fair proposal for both sides of us. We are no bankers nor economists and predicting/hedging currency exchange rate is not our business model. (有人可能会觉得这句有点太强,会让客户不舒服。用的时候欢迎删去,反正你也不会说是本叔教的。。)In the meantime, I’ve attached the latest quotation, base on the adjustment of the change, in the email. (我偏向认为该即时加价。不然你只提个机制,很大机会对方会以沉默来大事化小。要create urgency!)
It is a difficult decision to make and we know the price increase will impact our customer. However, please also understand this is not extra profit go into our pocket but merely reflecting the loss we suffered due to our RMB cost structure in nature. (这句高级,自己想想明不明白)Thank you and let’s discuss the details of the mechanism.