优质微课| 高中英语动词所有用法全梳理(附385个高考高频动词用法)

一. 动词概说

1. 动词(verb)是表示动作或状态的词。


2. 英语动词有时态、语态、语气等形式上的变化。

二. 动词的分类

1. 谓语动词和非谓语动词


1) 谓语动词

He is a tractor driver.他是一个拖拉机手。
Facts are more eloquent than words.事实胜于雄辩。
We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下。
An apple falls by the force of gravitation.地心吸力使苹果落地。

2) 非谓语动词 

I am pleased to meet you.我很高兴与你相识。(动词不定式)
Smoking is harmful to the health.吸烟对身体有害。(动名词)
I heard them singing the Internationale。我听见他们唱《国际歌》。(现在分词)
Spoken words are often more powerful than writing.语言往往比文字更有力。(过去分词)

2. 实义动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词

从其含义来分,动词有实义动词(notional verb),连系动词(link verb),情态动词(modal verb)和助动词(auxiliary verb)四类。

1) 实义动词 

The sun shone brightly this morning.今天早晨阳光灿烂。
He likes to go for a long walk on sundays.他喜欢星期日出去作长距离散步。
We have a big TV set in the club.我们俱乐部有台大电视机。

2) 连系动词 

It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。
It was a close game.那场球赛比分很接近。
The children in this nursery look very healthy.这个托儿所的孩子看起来都非常健康。
Keep quiet,please!请安静!,
The tape recorder seems all right.这台录音机好像没有毛病。
Later he became a doctor.他后来成为一名医生。
The problem remained unsolved until last year.问题到去年才解决。

The old man's dream has come true.这位老人的梦想实现了。
Something has gone wrong with the truck.卡车出毛病了。

[注二] 有些连系动词如seem, appear等后面常跟to be。如:
The new text seens to be easy,but actually it is rather difficult.这篇新课文好像很容易,其实相当难。
She appears to be the girl's sister.她似乎是那女孩的姐姐。

3) 情态动词 

情态动词有can (能),may (可以,也许),must(必须)等,表示能力、义务、必要、猜测等说话人的语气或情态。情态动词只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词。

4) 助动词 

助动词有shall,will,have,be,should,wonld, do等。它们只能和主要动词一起构成各种时态、语态、语气等动词形式,以及否定和疑问等结构中的谓语动词。

3. 及物动词和不及物动词


1) 及物动词 

后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。如:
I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.我相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议。
'How long can I keep the book ?'Harry asked.哈里问:'这本书我可以借多久?'
Dr. Bethune set us a good example. 白求恩大夫给我们树立了好榜样。
Crude oil contains many useful substances.原油含有许多有用的物质。

2) 不及物动词 

本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如:
Birds fly.鸟会飞。
It happened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三;年六月。
My watch stopped.我的表停了。
She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。

3) 兼作及物动词和不及物动词 


a) 兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,意义不变。试比较:
Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词)
She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(began作及物动词)
When did they leave Chicago?他们是什么时候离开芝加哥的?(leave 作及物动词)
They left last week. 他们是上周离开的。(left 作不及物动词)

b) 兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,有时意义不尽相同。如:
Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。
Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗?

4) 与汉语的比较 


We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.)
Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.每个人都很有兴趣地听讲课。(to不可省去)(比较:We all heard the lecture.)
Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个计划吗?(to不可省去)

Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务。

4. 短语动词

动词常和某些其他词类用在一起,构成固定词组,形成所谓短语动词(phrasal verb)。和动词一样,短语动词也可分为及物和不及物两种。短语动词可以作为一个整体看待,同一般动词一样使用。

1) 动词 + 介词 

The small boy insisted on going with his parents.那男孩坚持要跟父母一起去。
Do you often listen to broadcasts in English? 你常听英语广播吗?
Look at the children. Aren't they lovely?看着这些孩子们。他们多么可爱呀!
We stand for self-reliance.我们是主张自力更生的。

这一类的短语动词还有很多,如depend on (upon)(依*),wait on (服侍),look for (寻找),deal with(对待),look after(照料),wait for(等待)等。

2) 动词+副词 

I always get up as soon as the bell rings. 我总是一打铃就起床。(不及物)
Look out,there's a car coming! 当心,来汽车了!(不及物)
Have you handed in your exercises already? 你已经交练习了吗?(及物)
Please don't forget to put on your coat;it's cold outside.请不要忘记穿外衣,外面很冷。(及物)

这一类的短语动词还有很多,及物如 put out (扑灭), eat up (吃光),putdown(放下);不及物如set off (出发),come up(走近),go on(继续)。

[注一] '动词+副词'这类短语动词和上面第一类'动词 + 介词'的不同之处在于:'动词+ 介词'用作及物动词,后面须跟宾语。'动词 + 副词'则有的及物,有的不及物;用作及物动词而宾语为人称代词或自身代词时,副词往往放在宾语之后。如:
Please wake me up at five tomorrow.请在明天早上五点唤醒我。
If you have done your exercises,please hand them in.如果你们练习做完了请交来。
She doesn't normally behave like that;she's putting it on.她通常并不如此表现,她是装出来的。

[注二] 这类短语动词有不少可兼作及物和不及物动词用。如:
He took off his hat when he entered the office.
The plane took off at seven sharp.
Charlie rang up Neil to ask about the time of the meeting.
If you can't come,please ring up and let us know.你如来不了,请来电话告诉我们一声。(不及物)

3) 动词 + 副词 + 介词 

短语动词'动词 + 副词'之后有的可以再加一个介词,形成另一种短语动词。这类短语动词用作及物动词。如:

Do not give up hope. We must go on with the experiment
不要失望。我们必须继续试验。(go on with继续)
He came up to me.他走到我跟前。(come up to走近)
这类短语动词还有:look down upon(看不起),do away with(去掉),put up with(忍受)等。

4) 动词 + 名词 + 介词 

He shook hands with all the guests at the banquet.他在宴会上和宾客一一握手。
Young pioneers often come to the Children's Palace to take part in after=school activities. 少先队员经常到少年宫来参加课外活动。
Pay attention to the temperature of the stored rice.注意仓库里的稻谷的温度。
Her job is taking care of the babies.她的工作是照顾婴儿。

这一类短语动词还有:put an end to (结束),take notice of (注意),catch hold of (抓住),lose sight of(看不见),make use of(利用)等




2.将来时态shall, will, should, would之后用动词原形。


4.助动词do, does, did之后用动词原形。

5.情态动词can、could、may, might, have/has to, must, need, dare ,ought to之后用动词原形。

6.使役动词let、 make、have 之后用动词原形。

7.感官动词see、watch、notice、hear、 feel、find之后用动词原形(说明动作已经结束)。

8.had better 之后用动词原形。

9.why / why not 之后用动词原形。

10.would rather dosth . than do sth .

11.prefer to dosth. rather than do sth./ prefer doing sth. to doing sth.



2.部分动词之后的动词只能用动名词形式:enjoy, finish, practice, mind, spend,dislike, find , keep

3.部分短语后省略了介词in: have fun/ problems/ difficulties/trouble /a good time doing  be busy doing,

4.be worth doing,  can’t help doing , feel like doing , do some doing sth.


like / love / hatedoing (doing表示习惯)(to do表示具体的动作)

stop doing(表示停止)(doing表示开始做不定式的动作);

remember , forget (不定式表示未做;动名词表示已做);

try (doing表示试着做;to do表示努力做);

go on (doing继续做相同的事 to do继续做不同的事)

begin , start (to do与doing区别不大) ;

need (人作主语用to do ;物作主语用doing表示被动);

mean(人作主语用to do表示“打算做”;事 / 物作主语用doing表示“意味着”);

这些动词既可跟动词原形,又可跟ing形式:see,watch,hear.notice (用原形是指动作结束,ing表示动作正在进行)


1.ask/tell/want/order/teach/wish/wouldlike/invite/encourage sb. to do sth.

2.ask/tell/want/order/teach/wish/wouldlike/invite/encourage sb. not to do sth.

3.Help...(to) dosth.

4.主系表 + 不定式(to do)

5.主系表 +for sb + 不定式(to do)

6.部分动词既可跟动名词又可跟不定式:(同动名词 6)

7.疑问词+不定式(to do)可以把复合句变为简单句,(to  = 主语+will/would/can)



必须同时满足以下 4 个条件

1) 该动词的发音以重读闭音节结尾;


2)结尾闭音节符合“1 个辅音字母 + 1 个元音字母 + 1 个辅音字母”









1.dare, need

① dare作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中, 过去式形式为dared。

例How dare you say such horrible words to me?

② need 作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句、否定句,相当于肯定句中一般用must, have to, ought to, should。

例 Need I finish the work today?

Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t.

③ dare和 need作实义动词用时,有人称、时态和数的变化,在肯定句中,dare后面常接带to的不定式,在疑问句和否定句中,dare后面可接带to或不带to的不定式,而need后面只能接带to的不定式。

例 She doesn’t dare (to)answer.

2.shall, should

① shall 用于第一人称,征求对方的意见。

例:What shall I do ?

② shall 用于第二、三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。

例:You shall be punished,you bad boy!

3.will, would


例Would you give me a cup of coffee, please?


例 I will never do that again.

③ would表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。

例During that summer, he would visit me everyother day.


例It would be about may when she come back toChina.

4.should, ought to

① should表示“应该”,ought to表示义务或责任,语气更严重。

例 I should help her because she is introuble.

②表示劝告、建议和命令,should, ought to可通用,但在疑问句中常用should。

例 Should I open the window?

③表示推测, should , ought to (客观推测), must(主观推测)。

例She must pass the exam. (断定)


1.定义:能够充当句子谓语的动词就是主动词(main verb)

例 Reading makes a full man. (make在这句话里为主动词)



A 状态系动词:包括be动词,continue,keep,stay,remain,stand等

例 The girl keeps crying.(持续的哭的状态)

B 表象系动词:表示“看起来像”,包括 look,seem,appear等

例 She looks like her mother.

C 感官系动词:与人的五感有关,嗅觉,听觉,视觉,味觉,触觉,包括feel,look,sound,smell,taste

例 It taste good.

D 变化系动词:表示从一种状态变化至另一种状态,包括get,become,turn,dome,grow,fall等

例Yesterday's little girl becomes today'sbeautiful woman.


例I agree with you.(及物)

The game begins.(不及物)

* 实义动词又分为短暂性动词和持续性动词,短暂性动词一般不用while引导,可做状语表示一段时间,但持续性动词不可以。




I have much workto do. 我有许多要做的事情。(与work有动宾关系,与I有主谓关系)

Jay is looking fora room to live in.  Jay在找一间住的房间。(与room有动宾关系,与Jay 有主谓关系)

She has a familyto support.她要维持一个家庭。(与family有动宾关系,与she有主谓关系)


difficult, easy,comfortable (舒适的、安逸的),convenient(便利的,方便的),hard, cheap,expensive, 等

此时结构为:主语+系动词+形容词 + 不定式;动词+宾语+形容词+不定式。


The question isquite difficult to answer. 这个问题真的很难以回答。

The work is easyto do. 这项工作很轻松。

I found the buscomfortable to ride in. 我觉得这种公交车坐着很舒服。


afford to do sth.                  负担得起做某事

agree to do sth.                    同意做某事
arrange to do sth.                 安排做某事

ask to do sth.                       要求做某事
beg to do sth.                             请求做某事

care to do sth.                     想要做某事
choose to do sth.                  决定做某事

decide to do sth.                  决定做某事
demand to do sth.                要求做某事

determine to do sth.             决心做某事
expect to do sth.                  期待做某事

fear to do sth.                             害怕做某事
help to do sth.                     帮助做某事

hope to do sth.                    希望做某事
learn to do sth.                    学习做某事

manage to do sth.                设法做某事
offer to do sth.                    主动提出做某事

plan to do sth.                     计划做某事
prepare to do sth.                 准备做某事

pretend to do sth.                 假装做某事
promise to do sth.                答应做某事

refuse to do sth.                   拒绝做某事
want to do sth.                    想要做某事

wish to do sth.                     希望做某事

aim to do sth.                             打算做某事

fail to do sth.                             未能做某事
long to do sth.                     渴望做某事

happen to do sth.                 碰巧做某事
hesitate to do sth.                 犹豫做某事

struggle to do sth.                努力做某事


advise sb. to do sth.             建议某人做某事

allow sb. to do sth.              允许某人做某事
ask sb. to do sth.                  请(叫)某人做某事

bear sb. to do sth.                 忍受某人做某事
beg sb. to do sth.                 请求某人做某事

cause sb. to do sth.               导致某人做某事
command sb. to do sth.               命令某人做某事

drive sb. to do sth .               驱使某人做某事
elect sb. to do sth.                选举某人做某事

encourage sb. to do sth.               鼓励某人做某事
expect sb. to do sth.      期望某人做某事

forbid sb. to do sth.      禁止某人做某事
force sb. to do sth.               强迫某人做某事

get sb. to do sth.           使(要)某人做某事
hate sb. to do sth.         讨厌某人做某事

help sb. to do sth.         帮助某人做某事
intend sb. to do sth.      打算要某人做某事

invite sb. to do sth.       邀请某人做某事
leave sb. to do sth.               留下某人做某事

like sb. to do sth.          喜欢某人做某事
mean sb. to do sth.               打算要某人做某事

need sb. to do sth.         需要某人做某事
oblige sb. to do sth.      迫使某人做某事

order sb. to do sth.               命令某人做某事
permit sb. to do sth.      允许某人做某事

persuade sb. to do sth.   说服某人做某事
prefer sb. to do sth.       宁愿某人做某事

request sb. to do sth.     要求某人做某事
remind sb. to do sth.     提醒某人做某事

teach sb. to do sth .        教某人做某事
tell sb. to do sth.           告诉某人做某事

train sb. to do sth.         训练某人做某事
trouble sb. to do sth.     麻烦某人做某事

want sb. to do sth.               想要某人做某事
warn sb. to do sth.               警告某人做某事

wish sb. to do sth.         希望某人做某事

“原谅某人做某事”       excuse [forgive] sb. for doing sth.
“希望某人做某事”       wish sb. to do sth.
“建议某人做某事”       advise sb. to do sth.
“安排某人做某事”       arrange for sb. to do sth.
“要求某人做某事”       demand of sb. to do sth.
“感谢某人做某事”       thank sb. for doing sth.
“祝贺某人做某事”       congratulate sb. on doing sth.
“阻止某人做某事”       prevent sb. from doing sth.


admit doing sth.    承认做某事   advise doing sth.           建议做某事
allow doing sth.     允许做某事   appreciate doing sth.     感激做某事
avoid doing sth.     避免做某事

consider doing sth.考虑做某事
delay doing sth.     推迟做某事

deny doing sth.      否认做某事
discuss doing sth.   讨论做某事

dislike doing sth.   不喜欢做某事
enjoy doing sth.     喜爱做某事

escape doing sth.   逃脱做某事
excuse doing sth.   原谅做某事

fancy doing sth.           设想做某事
finish doing sth.           完成做某事

forbid doing sth.           禁止做某事
forgive doing sth.         原谅做某事

give up doing sth.         放弃做某事
imagine doing sth.               想象做某事

keep doing sth.             保持做某事
mention doing sth.               提及做某事

mind doing sth.            介意做某事
miss doing sth.             错过做某事

pardon doing sth.          原谅做某事
permit doing sth.          允许做某事

practice doing sth.               练习做某事
prevent doing sth.         阻止做某事

prohibit doing sth.               禁止做某事
put off doing sth.          推迟做某事

report doing sth.           报告做某事
risk doing sth.              冒险做某事

stop doing sth.              停止做某事
suggest doing sth.         建议做某事

understand doing sth.    理解做某事


bring sb. doing sth.        引起某人做某事

catch sb. doing sth.       碰上某人做某事
discover sb. doing sth.   发现某人做某事

feel sb. doing sth.         感觉某人做某事
find sb. doing sth.         碰上(撞上)某人做某事

get sb. doing sth.          使某人做某事
have sb. doing sth.               使某人做某事

hear sb. doing sth.               听见某人做某事
keep sb. doing sth.               使某人不停地做某事

listen to sb. doing sth.   听某人做某事
look at sb. doing sth.     看着某人做某事

notice sb. doing sth.      注意到某人做某事
observe sb. doing sth.    观察某人做某事

prevent sb. doing sth.    阻止某人做某事
see sb. doing sth.          看见某人做某事

send sb. doing sth.         使某人(突然)做某事
set sb. doing sth.           使(引起)某人做某事

start sb. doing sth.               使某人开始做某事
stop sb. doing sth.         阻止某人做某事

watch sb. doing sth.      观看某人做某事


feel sb. do sth.              感觉某人做某事

have sb. do sth.            使某人做某事
hear sb. do sth.             听见某人做某事

let sb. do sth.                让某人做某事
listen to sb. do sth.        听着某人做某事

look at sb. do sth.         看着某人做某事
make sb. do sth.           使某人做某事

notice sb. do sth.          注意某人做某事
observe sb. do sth.               观察某人做某事

see sb. do sth.               看见某人做某事
watch sb. do sth.           观察某人做某事


like to do sth / like doing sth.                     喜欢做某事

love to do sth / love doing sth.                   喜欢做某事
hate to do sth / hate doing sth.                    憎恨做某事

prefer to do sth / prefer doing sth.                     宁可做某事
begin to do sth / begin doing sth.                开始做某事

start to do sth / start doing sth.                   开始做某事
continue to do sth / continue doing sth.       继续做某事
can’t bear to do sth / can’t bear doing sth.   不能忍受做某事
bother to do sth / bother doing sth.                     麻烦做某事

intend to do sth / intend doing sth.                     想要做某事
attempt to do sth / attempt doing sth.          试图做某事

cease to do sth / cease doing sth.                 停止做某事


(1) remember to do sth. 记住要做某事              rememberdoing sth.     记住曾做过某事
(2) forgetto do sth. 忘记要做某事                     forget doing sth.           忘记曾做过某事
(3) regret to do sth. 后悔(遗憾)要做某事      regret doing sth.           后悔曾做过某事
(4) try to do sth. 设法要做某事                         try doing sth.               做某事试试看有何效果
(5) mean to do sth. 打算做某事                         mean doing sth.     意味着做某事
(6) can’t help to do sth. 不能帮助做某事           can’t help doing sth.     禁不住做某事
(7) go on to do sth. 做完某事后接着做另一事   go on doing sth.           继续做一直在做

注:stop to do sth. 与stop doingsth.也不同,前者指停下来去做某事,后者指停止正在做的事,但stop to do sth. 中的不定式不是宾语,是目的状语



award sb. sth. = award sth. to sb. 颁奖给某人
bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb.    把某物带给某人
hand sb. sth. =hand sth. to sb.      把某物递给某人
lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.       把某物借给某人
mail sb. sth. = mail sth. to sb.      把某物寄给某人
offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.     将某物给某人
owe sb. sth. = owe sth. to sb.       欠某人某物
pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.       把某物递给某人
pay sb. sth. = pay sth. to sb.         付给某人某物(钱)
post sb. sth. = post sth. to sb.       把某物寄给某人
read sb. sth. = read sth. to sb.       把某物读给某人听
return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. 把某物还给某人
send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.      把某物送给某人
sell sb. sth. = sell sth. to sb.         把某物卖给某人
serve sb. sth. = serve sth. to sb.    拿某物招待某人
show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.    拿某物给某人看
take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb.              把某物拿给某人
teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb.           教某人某物
tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.                 告诉某人某情况
throw sb. sth. = throw sth. to sb.         把某物扔给某人
write sb. sth. = write sth. to sb.           给某人写信


book sb. sth. = book sth. for sb.          为某人预定某物
buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.              为某人买某物
choose sb. sth. = choose sth. for sb.     为某人选某物
cook sb. sth. = cook sth. for sb.           为某人煮某物
draw sb. sth. = draw sth. for sb.          为某人画某物
fetch sb. sth. = fetch sth. for sb.          为某人去取某物
find sb. sth. = find sth. for sb.             为某人找到某物
fix sb. sth. = fix sth. for sb.                为某人准备某物
get sb. sth. = get sth. for sb.                为某人拿来某物
make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.         为某人做某物
order sb. sth. = order sth. for sb.         为某人订购某物
pick sb. sth. = pick sth. for sb.            为某人采摘某物
prepare sb. sth. = prepare sth. for sb.   为某人准备某物
save sb. sth. = save sth. for sb.            为某人留某物
sing sb. sth. = sing sth. for sb.             为某人唱某物(歌)
spare sb. sth. = spare sth. for sb.          为某人让出某物
steal sb. sth. = steal sth. for sb.            为某人偷某物

九、可用于“动词+sb+of sth”的9个常见动词

accuse sb. of sth.          控告某人犯某事罪,指责某人做某事

rid sb. of sth.                      使某人摆脱某物
remind sb. of sth.         使某人想起某情况(事)

rob sb. of sth.                      抢劫某人的某东西
cure sb. of sth.             治好某人的病,改掉某人的坏习惯

cheat sb. fo sth.            骗取某人某物
inform sb. of sth.          通知某人某情况(事)

suspect sb. of sth.     怀疑某人某情况(事)

warn sb. of sth.            警告某人有某情况

十、可用于动词+sb+for doing sth”8个常见动词

blame sb. for doing sth.               指责某人做某事

criticize sb. for doing sth.     批评某人做某事
forgive sb. for doing sth.      原谅某人做某事

excuse sb. for doing sth.       原谅某人做某事
pardon sb. for doing sth.      原谅某人做某事

punish sb. for doing sth.       惩罚某人做某事
thank sb. for doing sth.               感谢某人做某事

scold sb. for doing sth.         指责(责备)某人做某事


误:deal a problem      正:deal with a problem      处理问题
误:depend sb.            正:depend on sb.               依靠(依赖)某人
误:insist doing sth.     正:insist on doing sth.        坚持要做某事
误:knock the door      正:knock on [at] the door   敲门
误:operate sb.            正:operate on sb.               为某人做手术
误:participate sth.       正:participate in sth.          参加某事
误:refer sth.               正:refer to sth.                  查阅(参考)某物
误:rely sb. / sth.         正:rely on sb. / sth.           依靠(依赖)某人(某物
误:reply a letter         正:reply to a letter             回信


误:serve for sb.          正:serve sb.                      为某人服务
误:marry with sb.       正:marry sb.              与某人结婚
误:discuss about sth.   正:discuss sth.            讨论某事
误:mention about sth. 正:mention sth.          提到某事
误:enter into a room   正:enter a room         进入房间
误:contact with sb.     正:contact sb.            与某人联系
误:equal to sth.          正:equal sth.              等于某物
误:ring to sb.             正:ring sb.                 给某人打电话

十三、27个带to doing sth.的常用结构


(1) admit to doing sth.                 承认做了某事
(2) apply to doing sth.                  适用于做某事
(3) object to doing sth.                  反对做某事
(4) see to doing sth.                             负责做某事
(5) stick to doing sth.                    坚持做某事
(6) take to doing sth.                    喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事


(1) apply oneself to doing sth.       专心致力于做某事
(2) devote sth. to doing sth.           把…献给做某事
(3) devote oneself to doing sth.      献身于做某事
(4) limit sth. to doing sth.             把…限制在做某事的范围内
(5) reduce sb. to doing sth.            使某人沦为做某事


(1) give one’s life to doing sth.      献身于做某事
(2) give one’s mind to doing sth.    专心做某事
(3) have a dislike to doing sth.       厌恶做某事
(4) have an eye to doing sth.          注意做某事
(5) have an objection to doing sth. 反对(反感)做某事
(6) pay attention to doing sth.               注意做某事
(7) set one’s mind to doing sth.      决心做某事


(1) be equal to doing sth.              等于做某事,能胜任做某事
(2) be used to doing sth.                习惯于做某事
(3) be opposed to doing sth.          反对做某事
(4) be reduced to doing sth.           使某人沦为做某事
(5) be devoted to doing sth.           把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事
(6) be limited to doing sth.            把…限制在做某事的范围内


(1) get down to doing sth.             开始做某事,认真处理某事
(2) look forward to doing sth.               盼望做某事
(3) What do you say to doing sth? 你认为做某事如何?


