
talk about two singers or musicians and the differences between them. Including examples and details in your response.






well,I want to talk about the differences between one of my favirote singers Jay Zhou and another singer Wangfeng. Although they are both to train in a famous TV program called Voice of China, they have coup le of obvious distinctions. First, the music style ,Jay Zhou once said that the Chinese music has most beautiful melody in the world, so he loves folk music. Wangfeng, on the other hand, is a passionate person. His favorite style is rock music. So most of his songs have quick temper and pridilively. Second, they have opppsite personalities. Jay is shy and always tries to keep low profile. He didn't like to speak in public when he first became a singer. However, Wangfeng is very talkitive and he loves to be the center, the focus of the public.








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