



塞林格这篇《两个人的事》(Both Parties Concerned)发表于1944年2月的《星期六晚邮报》,最初题为《打雷的时候叫醒我》(Wake Me When It Thunders)。本篇未收入《九故事》,据我所知,国内也没有人翻译过。当然也可能有人翻译了但是我不知道。

有研究认为塞林格在《麦田里的守望者》里对所谓的“少年侃(Teenage Skaz)”这种叙事风格的运用最早可以在本篇故事里看到雏形。所谓的“侃文(Skaz)”,除了大量使用口头语,还有一个特点就是会让你有一种主人公就站在你对面和你实时聊天的错觉。如果想了解更多关于“侃文”的叙事特点,以及塞林格的“少年侃”风格是怎么演变的,可以看一下这篇文章(的开头几段节选):









































我跟着她走进了舞池,不过我们刚进场,现场的伴奏乐队就开始搞我们。他们开始演奏那首《Moonlight Becomes You》。这首歌是一首好歌,就是老了点。我是说,不是什么烂歌。我们以前偶尔会在车上的广播或者家里的收音机上听这首歌。鲁西偶尔还会跟着唱。不过那天晚上在杰克酒吧听这首歌,感觉不是太好,甚至有点尴尬。他们可能把副歌部分演奏了有八十五次。我是说他们简直没完没了了。鲁西跳舞的时候和我隔了大概有十英里的距离,并且我们俩几乎没有眼神交流。最后他们总算演奏完了。接着鲁西几乎是像逃命一样从我身边跑开。她走回之前的桌子,但是没有坐下。她拿上自己的外套,然后就走了。边走边哭。
































“萨姆,”我说,假装萨姆在边上,“给我弹一首《Moonlight Becomes You》。”


























Both Parties Concerned(originally titled Wake Me When It Thunders)

by J. D. Salinger

The Saturday Evening Post - February 26, 1944

THERE really isn't much to tell - I mean it wasn't serious or anything, but it was kind of funny at that. I mean because it looked there for a while as though everybody at the plant and Ruthie's mother and all was going to have the laugh on us. They had all kept saying I and Ruthie were too young to get married. Ruthie, she was seventeen, and I was twenty, nearly. That's pretty young, all right, but not if you know what you're doing. I mean not if everything's Jake between she and you. I mean both parties concerned.

Well, like I was saying, Ruthie and I, we never really split up. Not really split up. Not that Ruthie's mother wasn't wishing we did. Mrs. Cropper, she wanted Ruthie to go to college instead of getting married. Ruthie got out of high school when she was fifteen only, and they wouldn't take her at where she wanted to go to till she was eighteen. She wanted to be a doctor. I used to kid her, 'Calling Doctor Kildare!' I'd say to her. I got a good sense of humor. Ruthie, she don't. She's more inclined to be serious like.

Well, I really don't know how it all started, but it really got hot one night last month at Jake's Place. Ruthie, she and I were out there. That joint is really class this year. Not so much neon. More bulbs. More parking space. Class. Know what I mean? Ruthie don't like Jake's much.

Well, this night I was telling you about, Jake's was jam-packed when we got there, and we had to wait around for about an hour till we got a table. Ruthie was all for not waiting. No patience. Then finally when we did get a table, she says she don't want a beer. So she just sits there, lighting matches, blowing themout. Driving me nuts.

'What's the matter?' I asked her finally. It got on my nerves after a while.

'Nothing's the matter,' Ruthie says. She stops lighting matches, starts looking around the joint, as though she was keeping an eye peeled for somebody special.

'Something's the matter,' I said. I know her like a book. I mean I know her like a book.

'Nothing's the matter,' she says. 'Stop worrying about me. Everything's swell. I'm the happiest girl in the world.'

'Cut it out,' I said. She was being cynical like. 'I just asked you a question, that's all.'

'Oh, pardon me,' Ruthie said. 'And you want an answer. Certainly. Pardon me.' She was being very cynical like. I don't like that. It don't bother me, but I don't like it.

I knew what was eating her. I know her inside out, her every mood like. 'Okay,' I said. 'You're sore because we went out tonight. Ruthie, for cryin' out loud, a guy has a right to go out once in a while, doesn't he?'

'Once in a while!' Ruthie says. 'I love that. Once in a while. Like seven nights a week, huh, Billy?'

'It hasn't been seven nights a week,' I said. And it hadn't! We hadn't come out the night before. I mean we had a beer at Gordon's, but we came right home and all.

'No?' Ruthie said. 'Okay. Let's drop it. Let's not discuss it.'

I asked her, very quiet like, what was I supposed to do. Sit around home like a dope every night? Stare at the walls? Listen to the baby bawl its head off? I asked her, very quiet like, what she wanted me to do.

'Please don't shout,' she says. 'I don't want you to do anything.'

'Listen,' I said. 'I'm paying that crazy Widger dame eighteen bucks just to take care of the kid for a couple hours a night. I did it just so you could take it easy. I thought you'd be tickled to death. You used to like to go out once in while,' I said to her.

Then Ruthie says she didn't want me to hire Mrs. Widger in the first place. She said she didn't like her. She said she hated her, in fact. She said she didn't like to see Mrs. Widger even hold the baby. I told her that Mrs. Widger has had plenty of babies on her own, and I guessed she knew pretty good how to hold a kid. Ruthie said when we go out at night Widger just sits in the living room, reading magazines; that she never goes near the baby. I said what did she want her to do-get in the crib with the kid? Ruthie said she didn't want to talk about it any more.

'Ruthie,' I said, 'what are you trying to do? Make me look like a rat?'

Ruthie, she says, 'I'm not trying to make you look like a rat. You're not a rat.'

'Thanks. Thanks a lot,' I said. I can be cynic-like too.

She says, 'You're my husband, Billy.' She was leaning over the table, crying like-but, holy mackerel, it wasn't my fault!

'You married me,' she says, 'because you said you loved me. You're supposed to love our baby, too, and take care of it. We're supposed to think about things sometimes, not just go chasing around.'

I asked her, very calm like, who said I didn't love the baby.

'Please don't shout,' she says. 'I'll scream if you shout,' she says.

'Nobody said you didn't love it, Billy. But you love it when it's convenient for you or something. When it's having its bath or when it plays with your necktie.'

I told her I loved it all the time. And I do! It's a nice kid, a real nice kid.

She says, 'Then why aren't we home?'

I told her then. I mean I wasn't afraid to tell her. I told her. 'Because,' I said, 'I wanna have a couple of beers. I want some life. You don't work on a fuselage all day. You don't know what it's like.' I mean I told her.

Then she tried to make funny like. 'You mean,' she says, 'I don't slave over a hot fuselage all day?'

I told her it was pretty hot. Then she started lighting matches again, like a kid. I asked her if she didn't get what I meant at all. She said she got what I meant all right, and she said she got what her mother meant, too, when her mother said we were too young to get married. She said she got what a lot of things meant now.

That really got me. I admit it. I'm willing to admit it. Nothing really gets me except when she brings up her mother. I asked Ruthie, very quiet like, what she was talking about. I said, 'Just because a guy wants to go out once in a while.' Ruthie said if I ever said 'once in a while' again, I'd never see her again. She's always taking things the way I don't mean them. I told her that. She said, 'C'mon. We're here. Let's dance.'

I followed her out to the floor, but just as we got there the orchestra got sneaky on us. They started playing Moonlight Becomes You. It's old now, but it's a swell song. I mean it isn't a bad song. We used to hear it once in a while on the radio in the car or the one at home. Once in a while Ruthie used to sing the words. But it wasn't so hot, hearing it at Jake's that night. It was embarrassing. And they must have played eighty-five choruses of it. I mean they kept playing it. Ruthie danced about ten miles away from me, and we didn't look at each other much. Finally they stopped. Then Ruthie broke away from me like. She walks back to the table, but she don't sit down. She just picks up her coat and beats it.She was crying.

I paid the check and went out after her as quickly as I could. Boy, it was cold out all of a sudden. I had on my blue suit, but Ruthie, she only had on her yellow dress. That thing wouldn't keep a flea warm. So all I wanted to do was get to the car fast and take off my coat, and maybe put it around her. I mean it was pretty cold.

She was on her side of the car, all doubled up like, and she was crying - noisy, like a kid cries. I put my coat around her and tried to turn her around to look at me, but she wouldn't turn. Boy, that's a lousy feeling when Ruthie does that. I mean that's a lousy feeling. I'd rather be dead.

I asked her around a million times just to look at me once. But she wouldn't do it. She was half on the floor of the car. She told me to go back and drink a couple beers, that she'd wait for me in the car. I told her I didn't want any beer. All I wanted was she should look at me. I told her not to believe her mother, her always saying we were too young and all. I told her her mother was nuts.

Well, like I said, I kept asking her to turn around, sit up like, and look at me, but she wouldn't do it. So finally I started up the car and drove home. She cried all the way, half on the seat, half on the floor, like a kid. But by the time I'd backed the car in the garage, she'd cut it out a little, was sitting up in her seat more. I'll admit it, usually when we drive in the garage at night we neck a little. You know what I mean. It's dark and all, and you get the feeling you're in your own garage and all, and hers too. I mean it's swell sometimes. But we just right out of the car this time. Ruthie, she almost ran upstairs. By the time I was ready to go upstairs I heard the front door slam. That was Mrs. Widger, going. When we come in at night, she breaks about thirty speed records getting out of the house.

When I got upstairs to our room, and had took off my necktie, Ruthie says to me - it made me sore, 'I don't suppose you want to take a look at the baby. How do you know? Maybe it grew a mustache or something since the last time you saw it. Or don't you want to see him at all this month?'

I don't like that cynic-like stuff. I said to Ruthie, 'Wuddaya mean I don't wanna see him? Naturally, I want to see him,' and I went out of the room.

Ruthie, she leaves the light burning in the hall right outside the kid's room, so it's never pitch dark in there. I bent over the crib and looked at the kid. It had its thumb in its mouth. I took it out but the kid put it right back in again, even though it was asleep. I mean being asleep don't stop the kid from thinking. It's smart. I mean it's not dumb or anything. I took its foot in my hand and held it for a while. I like the kid's feet. I mean I just like them. Then I felt Ruthie come in the room and stand behind me. I covered up the kid and walked out. When we got back to our room, I don't know why I said what I did, because the baby really looked good. Healthy. Like Ruthie.

'It doesn't look so hot to me,' I told her.

Ruthie said, 'What do you mean it doesn't look so hot to you? What's the matter with it?'

'It looks kind of underweight,' I said.

'You're underweight in the head,' Ruthie said.

I said, very cynic-like, 'Thank you. Thank you very much.'

Ruthie, she and I didn't talk to each other again till morning.

Ruthie always gets up to make breakfast and drive me to the bus stop. I always wait till I have my shirt and necktie on before I shake her because she's already awake. But that morning I had to shake the stuffin's out of her. It made me kind of sore that she was sleeping so good - well, I mean - because I hadn't slept good - well, at all. I never sleep good when I'm sort of worried. But finally she opened her eyes.

I says to her, 'You wanna get up? You wanna get up? You don't have to, you know.'

'I know I don't,' she says, cynic-like. But she got up anyway, fixed breakfast and drove me to the bus stop.

We didn't talk at all in the car. I mean we didn't say a word. I just said 'So long' to her at the bus stop, then walked quick over to where Bob Moriarty was standing. Then I did something nuts. I slammed Moriarty on the back like he was my long-lost brother - and I can't even stand the guy! He's on fuselages with me, and he always slows down my output. How do you like that?

Boy, I put in a lousy day on the line. I slowed down Moriarty instead of the other way around. He started giving me the razz about it, and I nearly took a poke at him, except that Sidney Hoover was watching. Sidney Hoover's the foreman on fuselages.

Twice during lunch I went in the phone booth, but both times I hung up before I finished dialing our number. I don't know why. I mean, what'd I go in here for in the first place?

That night after work I was supposed to play basketball at the Y, but I only played the first half, then caught the bus. Ruthie wasn't there to meet me, I figured, because she thought I was going to play the whole game. I mean I didn't get sore or anything because she wasn't there. And, anyway, Joe and Rita Santine gave me a lift in their car, so I was all right.

When I got home, what do you think? Figure it out. Well, I'll tell you. Ruthie, she wasn't there. There was just this note on the table in the hall. I brought it in the living room with me. I didn't even take my hat off. And it was a funny thing. My hands were shaking like. I mean they were shaking.

The note, it said:


I just don't see any use of our staying together. You don't seem to realize that we are supposed to grow out of certain things. We are supposed to get a new kind of fun. I don't know how to tell you what I mean. Anyway, there is no use hashing over it again, because you know how I feel, and it only makes you angry anyway. Please don't come around to Mother's. If you want to see the baby, please wait a while.


Well, I lit a cigarette and sat there for a long time in the chair we bought together at Louis B. Silverman's. That's the best store in town. Class. Then I started reading Ruthie's letter over and over again. Then I memorized it, really memorized it. Then I started to memorize it backwards, like this: while a wait please baby the see to want you If. Like that. Crazy. I was crazy. I still hadn't even took off my hat. Then all of a sudden Mrs. Widger, she came in.

She says, 'Ruthie told me to fix your dinner. It's ready'

Boy, she was a cold number. How I hated her. I figured she put Ruthie up to leaving me.

'I don't want any dinner,' I told her. 'Go on home.'

'It's a pleasure,' she says. An A-No.-1 dame.

In a few minutes Widger slams the door and I'm alone. Boy, am I alone! I keep memorizing Ruthie's letter backwards, then I go out to the kitchen. I made myself a little sandwich, then I opened up our bottle of bourbon and brought it in the living room with me. With a glass. I kept thinking about how drunk Humphrey Bogart got in Casablanca when he was waiting for Ingrid Bergman to show up. Humphrey Bogart had that colored piano player, Sam, with him, and after I had a few drinks I began to make believe Sam was in the room with me. Boy, was I nuts!

'Sam,' I said, making believe Sam was around, 'play Moonlight Becomes You for me.'

Then I was Sam too.

'Ah, ain't gonna play dat numbuh, boss,' I said, making believe I was Sam. 'That's yours and Ruthie's number.' Boy, was I nuts!

'Play it Sam!' I yelled, making believe I was Humphrey Bogart. 'Play it, Sam. While a wait please baby the see to want you If. Understand me, Sam? Got it?'

I got tired of that crazy stuff and went over to the phone and talked my ear off. 'Well, Billy Vullmer! You sure are a stranger! And how's that darling little wife of yours, and that adorable little baby?' Boy, she can really bend an ear, that woman. She said Bud wasn't home. She said, 'You know these bachelors.' Then she laughed like a dope. I hung up. She was driving me crazy.

Boy, I spent the next four hours sitting in the Louis B. Silverman chair, getting drunk, making believe I was talking to Sam. I kept waiting for Ruthie to come in. Once I got up and went to the front door and yanked it open. Ruthie wasn't there, but I pretended she was. I mean I made believe she was out there.

I yelled, 'It's all right! You can come in, Ruthie!'

Finally, I went back inside the house. I felt like crying, only I didn't of course. Then I went over to the phone and called Ruthie's house. The phone rang and rang, till I nearly went crazy, then Mrs. Cropper answered it. Boy, I hate to talk to her on the phone. She said Ruthie was asleep. But she wasn't, because Ruthie got on the phone. Ruthie, she and I chatted for a while like, I sort of asked her to come home. I told her I was home. She said she'd come home. She hung up and I hung up.

In a half-hour I heard her old man's car turn in our driveway, and I went to the window, Ruthie got out of the car, but she stood talking to her old man for an awful long time. Then all of a sudden she turned around and started coming towards the house. Her old man drove off.

Pretty soon she was inside, and she put her arms around me. She was crying to beat the band. I couldn't think of anything to say except 'Ruthie, Ruthie.' I kept saying that over and over again, like a dope. Then I sat down on the Louis B. Silverman chair - that's really a good chair - and she sat on my lap.

I told her I was sort of afraid she wasn't coming home. She didn't say anything. Her face was on my neck. When her face is on my neck, she never talks.

I says to her, 'Where's the baby?' She didn't have it with her and it wasn't upstairs.

Ruthie, she says, 'It was asleep. I didn't wanna wake it. Mother'll bring him over tomorrow.'

'I was afraid you weren't coming home,' I said.

Ruthie said her mother nearly killed her for coming home to see me. I didn't say anything. Then Ruthie said something funny:

'Mother answered the phone wearing her hair net,' Ruthie said. 'It got me down. I mean when I saw her looking so funny in her hair net again. I knew I wouldn't be any good at home anymore. I mean not any good at their home.'

I asked her what she meant, but she said she didn't know what she meant. Funny kid.

It thundered and lighteninged that night real late. I woke up around three o'clock, and Ruthie, she wasn't there next to me. I kind of jumped out of bed sort of fast and walked downstairs. All the lights were on downstairs - all of 'em. Ruthie, she wasn't in the hall closet, she was in the kitchen. She had on her blue pajamas and those wooly slippers - strictly Ruthie - and she was sitting at the kitchen table, reading a magazine; only she wasn't reading it, because she gets to scared to read. You haven't never seen my wife when she's got blue pajamas on or a blue dress of a blue bathing suit. I never knew what color stuff a girl had on before I knew Ruthie. But with Ruthie you know she's got something blue on.

Ruthie, she said she only came downstairs because she wanted a glass of milk.

Boy, what a lousy guy I am. You don't understand.

I said to her all of a sudden, just for the heck of it, how I kind of memorized her note backwards. The one she wrote me. I recited the whole thing backwards for her. I said to her, 'while a wait please baby the see to want you If.' I says to her, 'That's it. That's it backwards.'

Then - get this. I mean get this. Ruthie she started to cry! Then she said, 'I don't care about anything now.'

It was a funny thing to say. Ruthie, she says plenty of funny things. Funny kid. It's a good thing I know her inside and out. Sort of.

Then I said sort of, 'Wake me when it thunders, Ruthie. Please. It's okay. I mean, wake me when it thunders.'

That made her cry harder. Funny kid. But she wakes me now, that's what I mean. It's okay with me. I mean it's okay with me. I mean I don't care if it thunders every night.

