

贵州医科大学 麻醉与心脏电生理课题组

翻译:马艳燕   编辑:潘志军   审校:曹莹






排除了2名在硬膜外置管时反复尝试均未成功的CEGA组的新生儿后,共有58名新生儿完成了研究(CEGA:28;GA:30)。CEGA组比GA组更早耐受全肠内营养(4.0天 vs 8.0天;P=0.0001)。CEGA组的通便时间较短(3.5天 vs 5.0天;P =0.0001)。两组间鼻胃管引流时间相似(7.0天vs7.0天;P =0.9502)。CEGA组术后感染的新生儿较少(35.7% vs 60.0%;P=0.038)。




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Gannam-Somri L, Matter I, Hadjittofi C. Combined epidural-general anaesthesia vs general anaesthesia in neonatal gastrointestinal surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2020 Jan;64(1):34-40.

Combined epidural‐general anaesthesia vs general anaesthesia in neonatal gastrointestinal surgery: A randomized controlled trial


Background: Post‐operative ileus is a frequent complication of gastrointestinal surgery under general anaesthesia. The aim of this study was to investigate whether combined epidural‐general anaesthesia is associated with expedited gastrointestinal function recovery in neonates undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery.

Methods: randomized controlled trial including 60 neonates who underwent gastrointestinal surgery at a university hospital was performed. Thirty neonates received combined epidural‐general anaesthesia (CEGA), and 30 neonates received general anaesthesia (GA) alone. The primary outcome was the post‐operative time to toler‐ance of full enteral nutrition. The secondary outcomes were the post‐operative time defaecation, the duration of nasogastric drainage, and infections.

Results: After excluding two neonates from the CEGA group, where repeated attempts at epidural catheterization were unsuccessful, a total of 58 patients completed the study (CEGA: 28; GA: 30). Full enteral nutrition was tolerated earlier in CEGA vs the GA group (4.0 vs 8.0 days; P=0.0001). Time to defaecation was shorter in the CEGA group (3.5 vs 5.0 days; P=0.0001). Duration of nasogastric drainage was similar between groups (7.0 vs 7.0 days; P=0.9502). Fewer patients in the CEGA group experienced post‐operative infection (35.7% vs 60.0%; P=0.038).

Conclusion: Combined epidural‐general anaesthesia is associated with expedited gastrointestinal function recovery and a lower infection risk after gastrointestinal surgery in neonates.

