Paolo Nutini《Iron Sky》



Everyday music




名:《Iron Sky》

歌者Paolo Nutini

词曲Paolo Nutini

流派 民谣



[Verse 1: Paolo Nutini]

We are proud individuals

Living for the city

But the flames couldn’t go much higher

We find Gods and religions

To paint us with salvation

But no one, no nobody

Can give you, the power

[Chorus: Paolo Nutini]

To rise, over love

Over hate

Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind

Over fear and into freedom

[Verse 2: Paolo Nutini]

Oh, that’s life

That’s dripping down the walls

Of a dream that cannot breathe

In this harsh reality

Mass confusion spoon fed to the blind

Serves now to define our cold society

[Chorus: Paolo Nutini]

From which we’ll rise, over love

Over hate

Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind

Over fear and into freedom


You’ve just got to hold on

You’ve just got to hold on

[Interlude: Charles Chaplin]

“To those who can hear me, I say, do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed. The bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You, the people, have the power to make this life. Free and beautiful. To make this life a wonderful adventure. Let us use that power - let us all unite!”

[Chorus: Paolo Nutini]

And we’ll rise

Over love

Over hate

Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind

Over fear and into freedom

Into freedom

[Chorus: Paolo Nutini]

From which we’ll rise, over love

Over hate

Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind

Over fear and into

Freedom, freedom

From which we’ll rise, over love

Over hate

Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind

Over fear and into freedom

Freedom, freedom

[Outro: Paolo Nutini]

Oh, rain on me

Rain on me



今天分享一首  Paolo Nutini 的《Iron Sky》

这首歌来自他2014年专辑《Caustic Love》。这张专辑在英国排名第一,之后创下了双铂金销量。而这首歌也获得了2014年Q奖的最佳单曲奖。


配合这首歌发行了一部视频短片。由丹尼尔·沃尔夫(《B计划》导演)执导的这段9分钟的视频展现了未来的反乌托邦景象,在那里人们饱受折磨,但偶尔还能跳舞。中间插入了一段演讲,取材于查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)在20世纪40年代讽刺希特勒的电影《大独裁者》(The Great Dictator)中的演讲:



