
miRWalk2.0 (http://www.umm.uni-heidelberg.de/apps/zmf/mirwalk/) 这个工具提供12个算法,一篇文章利用该miRWalk工具后选择被7个工具预测到的MiRNA–mRNA相互作用关系作为最后的结果。


miRWalk2.0 not only documents miRNA binding sites within the complete sequence of a gene, but also combines this information with a comparison of binding sites resulting from 12 existing miRNA-target prediction programs (DIANA-microTv4.0, DIANA-microT-CDS, miRanda-rel2010, mirBridge, miRDB4.0, miRmap, miRNAMap, doRiNA i.e.,PicTar2, PITA, RNA22v2, RNAhybrid2.1andTargetscan6.2) to build novel comparative platforms of binding sites for the promoter (4 prediction datasets), cds (5 prediction datasets), 5’- (5 prediction datasets) and 3’-UTR (13 prediction datasets) regions. It also documents experimentally verified miRNA-target interaction information collected via an automated text-mining search and data from existing resources (miRTarBase, PhenomiR,miR2Disease and HMDD) offer such information.

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