Damian Lechoszest艺术,有灵魂,会呼吸

1976 年出生于波兰拉西博尔兹。起初,他最大的兴趣是画画。他从小就喜欢模仿漫画和童话中的各种人物。他幼稚的素描画得如此之好,以至于离他最近的社区的许多人都非常惊讶。在第一学年,他参加了许多艺术高水平比赛。他的艺术作品经常受到嘉奖,并得到评论家的好评。

巴博罗夫小学的造型艺术老师马雷克·捷克维茨 (Marek Czechowicz) 观察到了他伟大的艺术天赋,尤其是绘画天赋。捷克维茨的创作活动是第一个严肃的艺术灵感。捷克维茨也是第一个帮助才华横溢的年轻人深化油画实践技能知识的人。他在自己的私人画家工作室里教 Damian Lechoszest。

Damian 于 2002 年毕业于奥波莱科技大学。在学习期间,他参加了奥波莱 Liceum Plastyczne 的实用绘画课程。

多年来,他不仅提高了自己的实践技能,而且还提高了理论知识。他敏锐、分析和探究的头脑试图理解这幅画对旁观者的影响。他还试图了解人眼是如何对视觉刺激做出反应和记录的,以及人脑是如何创造出综合形象的。这就是为什么他咨询了他拥有近 4000 本书的私人图书馆,

这位艺术家、他的妻子 Ela 和两个孩子 Jasiek 和 Lukasz 住在波兰南部的小镇 Baborow

Damian Lechoszest
Born in 1976 in Raciborz, Poland. At first his great interest was drawing. From the early childhood he liked to copy various characters of comics and fairy tales. His childish sketches were so good that many people from his nearest neighborhood were very astonished.

At the first school years he took part in many artistic high-level competitions. His artistic works were often rewarded and got good opinions of critics.

His great artistic talent, especially a gift for drawing, was observed by Marek Czechowicz, plastic art teacher in primary school in Baborów. Czechowicz’s creative activity was the first serious artistic inspiration. Czechowicz was also the first person who helped talented young man to deepen his knowledge of practical skills in oil painting. He taught Damian Lechoszest in his own private painter’s studio.