新刊速递 | American Political Science Review, Vol 114, No. 2(上)
期刊简介:《美国政治学评论》(American Political Science Review)是美国政治学会(American Political Science Association)旗下最知名的季刊。自1906年创刊并由剑桥大学出版社出版以来,逐步成为政治学最具权威性的期刊之一。内容涉及政治学理论、美国政治、公共政策、公共管理、比较政治、国际关系等。
1. 社会隔离和抵抗形式
2. 铁丝网之外:美国在东道国的军事部署与民意
3. 为什么军备控制如此罕见?
4. 当整体优于部分之和时:关于民粹主义态度和其他多维度概念的概念化与测量
5. 通约难题:评估行为对行为影响的概念困境
6. 民主在美国?美国的党派主义、极化和对民主的稳健支持
题目:Social Isolation and Repertoires of Resistance
作者:Emily Kalah Gade, 埃默里大学政治学系助理教授
Checkpoints in the West Bank’s Hebron Governorate represent Israel’s ever-present power over Palestinian civilians. Drawing on 71 interviews conducted during the Intifada of Individuals (2015), this article inductively builds theory about the relationship between social isolation and different modalities of resistance. Rather than forcing civilians to comply with the state, checkpoint apparatus instead change the nature and texture of resistance. I suggest that checkpoints structure social connections for civilians on the ground. Checkpoint apparatus which inhibit social connection engender a feeling of hopelessness and foster support for individual, often violent, resistance. Where checkpoints isolate a community as a whole but did not disrupt within-community social connections, citizens maintain hope for the possibility of change, which facilitates a preference for collective resistance. This article identifies troubling consequences checkpoints have on civilians and highlights how oppressive state power can limit some modalities of resistance only to engender support for others.
题目:Outside the Wire: U.S. Military Deployments and Public Opinion in Host States
作者:Michael A. Allen,博伊西州立大学政治学系副教授;Michael E. Flynn,堪萨斯州立大学政治学系副教授;Carla Martinez Machain,堪萨斯州立大学政治学系副教授;Andrew Stravers,兰德公司国防和政治科学助理
How do citizens within countries hosting U.S. military personnel view that presence? Using new cross-national survey data from 14 countries, we examine how different forms of exposure to a U.S. military presence in a country affect attitudes toward the U.S. military, government, and people. We find that contact with U.S. military personnel or the receipt of economic benefits from the U.S. presence correlates with stronger support for the U.S. presence, people, and government. This study has profound implications for the role that U.S. installations play in affecting the social fabric of host nations and policy implications for the conduct of U.S. military activities outside the United States.
题目:Why Arms Control Is So Rare
作者:Andrew J. Coe, 范德堡大学政治学系助理教授;Jane Vaynman, 天普大学政治学系助理教授。
Arming is puzzling for the same reason war is: it produces outcomes that could instead be realized through negotiation, without the costly diversion of resources arming entails. Despite this, arms control is exceedingly rare historically, so that arming is ubiquitous and its costs to humanity are large. We develop and test a theory that explains why arming is so common and its control so rare. The main impediment to arms control is the need for monitoring that renders a state’s arming transparent enough to assure its compliance but not so much as to threaten its security. We present evidence that this trade-off has undermined arms control in three diverse contexts: Iraq’s weapons programs after the Gulf War, great power competition in arms in the interwar period, and superpower military rivalry during the Cold War. These arms races account for almost 40% of all global arming in the past two centuries.
题目:When the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Populist Attitudes and Other Multidimensional Constructs
作者:Alexander Wuttke,曼海姆大学政治学系博士研究生;Christian Schimpf,阿尔伯塔大学政治学系研究助理,曼海姆大学经济与社会科学学院博士候选人;Harald Schoen,曼海姆政治学系教授。
Multidimensional concepts are non-compensatory when higher values on one component cannot offset lower values on another. Thinking of the components of a multidimensional phenomenon as non-compensatory rather than substitutable can have wide-ranging implications, both conceptually and empirically. To demonstrate this point, we focus on populist attitudes that feature prominently in contemporary debates about liberal democracy. Given similar established public opinion constructs, the conceptual value of populist attitudes hinges on its unique specification as an attitudinal syndrome, which is characterized by the concurrent presence of its non-compensatory concept subdimensions. Yet this concept attribute is rarely considered in existing empirical research. We propose operationalization strategies that seek to take the distinct properties of non-compensatory multidimensional concepts seriously. Evidence on five populism scales in 12 countries reveals the presence and consequences of measurement-concept inconsistencies. Importantly, in some cases, using conceptually sound operationalization strategies upsets previous findings on the substantive role of populist attitudes.
题目:The Commensurability Problem: Conceptual Difficulties in Estimating the Effect of Behavior on Behavior
作者:Ethan Bueno de Mesquita,芝加哥大学哈里斯公共政策学院教授;Scott A. Tyson,罗切斯特大学政治学系助理教授
We pose the commensurability problem: When do the estimates generated by actual research designs correspond to quantities of theoretical interest? We study this question in settings where both treatment and outcome are behavior and the treatment effect of interest is decomposable into direct and informational channels. We establish two results. First, the quantity estimated by an actual research design is only commensurate with the total effect in the ideal experiment if treatment status in the research design is a sufficient statistic for the decision-makers’ information. Second, a research design corresponding to a nonideal experiment isolates just the direct effect in the ideal experiment if two conditions hold: (i) there is no information effect in the nonideal experiment and (ii) the decision-maker’s response function is additively separable in treatment and information. We apply our results to three substantive literatures: the efficacy of protest, the empowerment of female candidates, and indiscriminate violence in counterinsurgency.
题目:Democracy in America? Partisanship, Polarization, and the Robustness of Support for Democracy in the United States
作者:Matthew H. Graham,耶鲁大学政治学系博士候选人;Milan W. Svolik,耶鲁大学政治学系教授
Is support for democracy in the United States robust enough to deter undemocratic behavior by elected politicians? We develop a model of the public as a democratic check and evaluate it using two empirical strategies: an original, nationally representative candidate-choice experiment in which some politicians take positions that violate key democratic principles, and a natural experiment that occurred during Montana’s 2017 special election for the U.S. House. Our research design allows us to infer Americans’willingness to trade-off democratic principles for other valid but potentially conflicting considerations such as political ideology, partisan loyalty, and policy preferences. We find the U.S. public’s viability as a democratic check to be strikingly limited: only a small fraction of Americans prioritize democratic principles in their electoral choices, and their tendency to do so is decreasing in several measures of polarization, including the strength of partisanship, policy extremism, and candidate platform divergence. Our findings echo classic arguments about the importance of political moderation and cross-cutting cleavages for democratic stability and highlight the dangers that polarization represents for democracy.