

烯丙醇和氯化亚砜在乙醚中进行反应时,烯丙位重排产物的比例与所用的氯化亚砜浓度有关系。例如,化合物2-丁烯-1-醇(5)在5.6 mol 氯化亚砜醚溶液中得到两种双键位置不同的异构体混合物;而用0.7 mol氯化亚砜时,几乎完全得到重排产物,这可能由于在稀溶液中无水乙醚易和干燥氯化氢生成氢键连接的复合物,从而有利于SN1反应和双键重排。



Example A: the preparationof 10-(4-Chlorobutyl)phenothiazine

Toa solution of 1 (2.03 g,7.5 mmol) in 100 ml of dry benzene was added dropwise thionyl chloride (2 ml,10 mmol). The mixture was stirred at room temperature overnight. The solventwas evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. The residue was applied on asilica gel column and eluted with 10% ethyl acetate/hexanes to yield 2.17 g (62%) of 2.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2002, 45,13, 2741-2748
Example B: the preparationof 1-Chlorohexane

Assemble in a fumecupboard a 500 ml three-necked flask equipped with a sealed stirred unit, adouble surface reflux condenser and a separatory funnel; fit the condenser andthe funnel with calcium chloride guard-tubes. Place 179 g (109.5 ml, 1.5 mol) of redistilled thionylchloride in the flask and 51 g(62.5 ml, 0.5 mol) of hexan-1-ol in the separatory funnel. Add the acolhol withstirring during 2 hours; the excess evolution of heat, sulphur dioxide isevolved and the liquid darkens considerably. When all the alcohol has beenadded, reflux the mixture for 2 hours. Rearrange the apparatus fordistillation, and distil slowly; the excess of thionyl chloride passes overbelow 80℃, followed by a smallfraction up to 120℃;and finally the crude 1-chlorohexane at 132-134℃.Wash the las-named successively with water, 10% sodium carbonate solution, andtwice with water. Dry with anhydrous calcium chloride and distil through ashort fractionating column. Pure 1-chlorohexane passes over at 133-134℃. The yield is 36 g (60%).
Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th edition,558