
一、 利雅得备忘录组织(RiyadhMOU)简介:

利雅得备忘录组织(TheRiyadh Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Gulf Region(Riyadh MoU)成立于2004 年6 月,共有6 个成员国:巴林、科威特、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋

二、 利雅得备忘录组织CIC 检查表:

2016 年8 月利雅得备忘录组织发布了2016 年CIC 新闻公告和检查表,将从2016 年9 月1 日至11 月30 日开展为期三个月主题为引水员登离船设施的集中大检查。大检查的目的是为了确保船舶符合IMO 决议A.1045(27)附录详述的有关引水员登离船装置的要求;例如:梯子和绳子的状态以及船长和船员对于引水员登离船装置的熟悉程度。



Thepurpose of the campaign is to ensure that ships comply with the requirementsfor pilot transfer arrangements detailed in the Annex to IMO ResolutionA.1045(27); for example, the condition of the ladder and ropes andthefamiliarity of the ship’s master and crew with pilot transfer arrangements.


RiyadhMOU has developed this checklist to assist masters, DPAs and crews in

preparingfor the CIC and to prevent delays or detentions by port state control



Question6 of the checklist concerns the use of mechanical pilot hoists. Shipownersand managers are reminded that the use of mechanical pilot hoists isprohibited on all ships in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS

RegulationV/23, paragraph 6.

检查清单上的问题6是有关引水员机械升降装置的。需提醒船东和船舶管理公司注意的是,根据SOLAS 第V/23条第6段规则的要求,所有船舶的引水员机械升降装置是禁止使用的。

Question11 of the checklist refers to shipside doors used for pilot transfers. In accordancewith SOLAS Regulation V/23, paragraph 5, such doors must open inwards.


Ownersand managers are recommended to advise masters and crews of the CIC and tocheck that pilot transfer arrangements meet the requirements of Resolution A.1045(27),and that relevant documentation is available and up to date.

Referenceshould also be made to IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1428 on required

pilotboarding arrangements.



