
So today we are going to be talking about the most trending topic, well, at least for today. And that is Show Luo and the big trouble he has run into. You might be wondering: Who the heck is Show Luo. Well, I’m sure his Chinese name will ring a bell.
今天咱们要聊的当然是时下最大热点:Show Luo以及他的大麻烦。Show Luo究竟为何方神圣?他的中文名想必大家都熟悉:罗志祥。



It all started when she found out about the other women…
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And in this case, it looks like the social media cold war and non-stop gossip were indeed both pointing at the fact that singer Show Luo and influencer Grace Chow have ended their nine-year relationship.
记得上小学的时候教学楼的后墙上刷着六个大字:有志者,事竟成。后来上初中学英文的时候,老师告诉我这句英文可以表达同样的意思:Where there is a will, there is a way. 注意看这句英文的核心是两个名词:will以及way. 字面意思非常直白:有一个决心的地方就有一条路。但这不是我们习惯的中文,因为中文擅长用动词来表达:“事竟成”。
回到这段英文的开头“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” 同样的句子结构,同样的名词表达习惯,同样直白的意思:有烟的地方必有火。你想起了哪句中文?“无风不起浪”。好,我们终于有点明白“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”这句话的意思了。
那smoke具体指的什么?fire具体又是指的什么呢?作者接着说道:And in this case, it looks like the social media cold war and non-stop gossip were indeed both pointing at the fact…
case原意是“盒子”,比如phone case意思是手机壳。引申出去表示“案例、情形。。。等等”。其实很好理解,a legal case之所以我们可以理解为“一个法律案件”是因为我们把与这个案件相关的内容材料全部放到一个虚拟的、存在于我们头脑中的大盒子里。文章这里的case,指的当然是下面要提到的罗志祥和女朋友分手这件事儿。
解决了case, 这个时候我们回来刚刚那句,就会发现核心部分其实是:A and B were indeed pointing at C. A代表的是the social media cold war, 也就是此前罗志祥和女友在微博上长时间没有互动这样的一种男女朋友间的冷战行为;B代表的是non-stop gossip,也就是前段时间粉丝们无休止的关于他们可能已分手的流言蜚语。
A和B共同指向的事实C是什么呢?The fact that singer Show Luo and influencer Grace Chow have ended their nine-year relationship. 指向的是“两人已结束9年恋爱关系的事实”。end a relationship这种表达是不是非常“官宣”的味道?正常口语表达“分手”,用break up这个短语就足够了。

It all started when she found out about the other women…
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And in this case, it looks like the social media cold war and non-stop gossip were indeed both pointing at the fact that singer Show Luo and influencer Grace Chow have ended their nine-year relationship.

Grace Chow claims breakup with 'scumbag' Show Luo was due to his chronic womanising
After months of public speculation, Chinese influencer Grace Chow finally confirmed her breakup with Show Luo in a Weibo post this morning.

It looks like things between Show Luo and his girlfriend Grace Chow are officially over for good.
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