马云正式退休,全球齐刷刷热议 丨说英闻

Alibaba on Tuesday evening celebrated Mr. Ma’s retirement — which also coincides with his birthday and the company’s 20th anniversary — with 80,000 of its employees in the Olympic Stadium in Hangzhou.

There is no one in Chinese business like Jack Ma, and it may be a long time before anyone like him comes around again.

Jack Ma, the Chinese billionaire who founded e-commerce giant Alibaba at a lakeside apartment in Hangzhou 20 years ago, officially stepped down as the company’s chairman today.
His final day at the helm of Alibaba was celebrated on his 55th birthday with a fireworks display and various performances at a sports stadium filled with an estimated crowd of some 80,000 people.
Business Insider:
Jack Ma, the flamboyant tech personality and the richest man in China, is leaving his $460 billion Alibaba empire 20 years after founding the company.
Ma is stepping down as the chairman of Alibaba Group on Tuesday, his 55th birthday, as part of a long-planned succession scheme. Alibaba Group is the world's largest e-commerce group, with more than triple Amazon's total reported sales for 2018.