
背景音乐:Exo - Playboy


Wall Street Journal/华尔街日报:

Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine who revolutionized publishing and helped usher in the sexual revolution with a vision of beauty, sophistication and the libertine lifestyle that reflected the desires of the postwar generation, died Wednesday at the age of 91.

Fox News/福克斯新闻:

Hefner indeed was a pioneer. He was the force behind the mainstream objectification of women, someone who paid them to take their clothes off and convinced them it was empowering to do so, using the same arguments pornographers use for the same goals.


maria giatrakis

Hef ran the Playboy mansion like a glorified brothel that catered to the rich and famous.

Mark Brodsky

Pretty sure that many guys wouldn't have minded living Hef's life!

Alan kelman

All else aside, give the man credit for being open and honest about what he believed and what he did.

Julia Chang

I have to praise him for his savvy when he created his business. His ‘inventory’ and concept were as simple as showing beautiful women and inviting curiosity of sex. He built an empire and lived a good life. Smart man.

revolutionize 革命化;彻底改革

usher in 领进;引进

libertine 放荡不羁的

object 物体

objectify 物化

objectification 物化(名词)

empower 授权;赋权

argument 论据

pornography 色情作品

pornographer 色情作品的产出或销售者

glorify 美化

brothel 妓院

cater to 迎合…;为…服务

savvy 悟性




【听】  用讲究的方法,其实可以不费力地“听懂”

【说】  不是练嘴皮,让画面和情境“触发”说英文

【读】  阅读是信息量的最大来源,单词无需死记硬背

【写】  语法究竟为何物?如何轻松攻破?

【福利】 教你避开英语学习的几大普遍误区,提升英语&效率翻倍

