印度疫情10月8日与十大新闻(克森技术签约为宏碁生产笔记本;塔塔赢得了收购印度航空的竞标;印度将政策利率维持在 4% 不变)


由于英国政府周四修改了印度人的旅行规则,并表示接种两剂 Covishield 疫苗的人不需要进行隔离,因此印度卫生部将为从英国来到印度的旅行者发布新的指南。新闻机构 ANI 援引消息人士的话称,该命令将很快发布。

印度卫生部周五通知,印度在过去 24 小时内记录了 21,257 例新增新冠病例和 271 例死亡。其中,喀拉拉邦在过去 24 小时内记录了 12,288 例新病例和 141 例死亡。

该国的新冠累计病例现在为 3,39,15,569,而迄今为止已有 4,50,127 人死于感染。

据该部称,在过去 24 小时内,有 24,963 人从新冠病毒中康复,使康复人数达到 3,32,25,221。目前康复率为97.96%。

该部表示,该国的每周阳性率为 1.64%,而每日阳性率为 1.53%。

印度医学研究委员会 (ICMR) 今天通知了周四共进行了 13,85,706 次新冠病毒检测。到目前为止,共进行了 58,00,43,190 次检测。

印度迄今已在全国范围内接种了超过 9.3 亿剂新冠疫苗。



塔塔以 1800亿卢比的价格赢得了收购印度航空的竞标,击败了 阿杰·辛格 的1510亿卢比。

Tata wins bid to buy Air India for Rs 18,000 cr, beats Ajay Singh’s Rs 15,100 cr



印度能源交易所有限公司(Indian Energy Exchange Ltd.)的股价今年迄今已飙升181%。电力生产商、分销商和企业正越来越多地利用该平台满足短期能源需求。

A bourse with a near monopoly in electricity trading in India is drawing attention as a severe coal crisis and the government’s intent to push ahead with reforms change dynamics in the nation’s power sector.
Shares of Indian Energy Exchange Ltd., whose platform is increasingly being accessed by power producers, distributors and corporates for their short-term energy needs, have soared 181% so far this year.




In a big push for 'Make in India’, Dixon Technologies, the country’s largest electronic manufacturing services (EMS) player, has tied up with Taiwanese personal computer (PC) maker Acer for the contract manufacturing of laptops, initially for the domestic market and then possibly for exports, say sources in the know.
The company is taking advantage of the government’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.
Sources say Dixon will start with the production of 500,000 Acer laptops annually in its plant in India.




Union minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday said he has asked US-based Tesla several times to manufacture its iconic electric vehicles in India, while assuring that all support will be provided by the government to the company.
Addressing 'India Today Conclave 2021', Gadkari further said electric cars manufactured by Tata Motors are not less good than electric cars manufactured by Tesla.
"I have told Tesla that don't sell electric cars in India which your company has manufactured in China. You should manufacture electric cars in India, and also export cars from India," he said.



知情人士称,老虎环球基金正在与这家总部位于班加罗尔的初创公司进行一轮超过 1 亿美元的融资谈判。

A number of high-profile investors are chasing to invest in Slice, a fintech startup that is attempting to expand the market for credit cards in India.
Tiger Global is in advanced stages of talks to lead a round of over $100 million in the Bangalore-based startup, sources familiar with the matter told.


Counterpoint Research 已将其 2021 年的预测从 1.7 亿部进一步下调至 1.64 亿部,而 TechArc 则从其预期的 1.65 亿部再下调 2-3%。IDC 和 Canalys 等其他公司正在密切关注行业的情况,该行业正在考虑产品发布的进一步延迟。

The handset industry is running at 'historically low inventory levels’ with the latest power crisis in China adding to the already existing challenges around component shortages and supply chain hurdles, triggering market trackers to lower annual shipment targets further.
Counterpoint Research has cut its 2021 forecast further to 164 million units from 170 million, and TechArc, by another 2-3% from its expected 165 million. Others such as IDC and Canalys are keeping a close watch on the situation in an industry that is factoring in further delays in product launches.




Mumbai: Oyo’s decision to focus on markets with the best scale and economics, namely India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Europe instead of 35 countries helped the hotel room aggregator survive during the Covid-19 pandemic, said global equity research firm Bernstein.
The short-stay accommodation market's global total addressable market opportunity is expected to increase from $1,267 billion in 2019 to $ 1,907 billion by 2030. Oyo sees a $26 billion opportunity in India by 2030 as it considers India its main growth area, which contributes over 90% to its revenues, the research firm said in a report.


新德里:周五,印度储备银行 (RBI) 货币政策委员会 (MPC) 连续第八次将政策利率维持在 4% 不变,并继续保持宽松立场。

NEW DELHI: The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) monetary policy committee (MPC) on Friday kept policy rates unchanged at 4 per cent for the eighth consecutive time and continued with the accommodative stance.


新德里:印度政府计划到 2030 年使私家车的电动汽车销售渗透率达到 30%,商用车达到 70%,两轮和三轮车达到 80%,因为迫切需要使运输部门脱碳,印度联邦部长 尼廷·加德卡里 周五表示。

NEW DELHI: The government intends to have EV sales penetration of 30 per cent for private cars, 70 per cent for commercial vehicles and 80 per cent for two and three-wheelers by 2030 as there is an immediate need to decarbonize the transport sector, Union minister Nitin Gadkari said on Friday.





MUMBAI/CHENNAI: Tata Motors is in early talks with Ford to buy the latter’s units in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, multiple sources have told TOI.

If the transaction materialises, it will be Tata Motors’ second asset purchase from the US major.

In March 2008, the Indian company bought Jaguar Land Rover from Ford for $2.3 billion.

