Owen Gent

Owen Gent 2013年毕业于英国法尔茅斯大学设计系,现工作生活于英国布里斯托。

Owen Gent既是自由插画家,同时也是平面设计师和动画师,可谓是全能型设计者,近年来多次获得插画类大奖,因此颇受关注。Owen的插画作品用一种无声的叙述描绘了一个神秘而浪漫丰富的世界。


“...I've always had a pretty active atitude towards my career as an illustrator. Even beforemy degree I was selling prints and doing odd commissions so it seems like quite a gradual progression to where I am now. In terms of how it feels, I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love for a living, and sometimes it feels strange mentioning it to someone because it seems a bit too good to be true. Saying that, I seem to work harder than mostpeople I know, but it's a big part of my life which I'm very passionate about rather than a"job".   ——Owen Gent

