【口琴汇-诞辰祭】(3.11)Happy 100th birthday Astor Piazzolla!

3月11日,是著名演奏家作曲家Ástor Pantaleón Piazzolla诞辰100周年的日子

Happy 100th birthday Astor Piazzolla! 


(西班牙文:Ástor Pantaleón Piazzolla,1921年3月11日-1992年7月5日),阿根廷作曲家以及班多钮手风琴(Bandoneon)演奏家。作为作曲家的皮亚佐拉,以全方位系统的古典音乐训练为基础,创造性地融合传统古典音乐与爵士乐的作曲风格,将探戈音乐从通俗流行的舞蹈伴奏音乐提升为可以单独在舞台上展示的具有高度艺术性,并能表达深刻哲理的纯音乐形式,并由此创立了“新探戈音乐”(Tango Nuevo)乐派,成为阿根廷文化的代表人物之一,以及南美音乐史上的重要人物。在阿根廷,皮亚佐拉被尊称为“了不起的皮亚佐拉”

Filip Jers演奏了大师的不朽名作Oblivion

Astor Piazzollas 100th birthday today! Here I play his beautiful composition "Oblivion" with Swedish string orchestra

Filip Jers其人:

Filip Jers is an international known harmonica player from Stockholm, Sweden. At the age of 29 he has performed in almost 30 countries; Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. Harmonica is his main instrument and in 2011 he graduated with a Master Degree in Music from The Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm. Filip Jers has won two golds at World Harmonica Festival 2005 in Trossingen, Germany. He has been given numerous awards through the years most recently his jazz quartet was selected as "Best Group" at the European Jazz Competition in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Filip Jers works regulary with Filip Jers Quartet and as a quest soloist in different projects. Jers has been featured on more than 30 CD's as a recording artist, playing harmonica. Filip Jers is one the most sought harmonica players in Europe and he is gaining more and more reputation over the world. Besides playing concerts he teaches harmonica and music to hungry students. Filip Jers is an "International Suzuki Harmonica Artist", he is endorsing and playing harmonicas made by Suzuki Harmonicas from Japan. He also runs Fojablue Records, an independent record label that has released Spiro (FRCD01) and Filip Jers Quartet (FRCD02, 2013). Besides music, Filip likes coffee, yoga and running in the nature.

在YOUTUBE上,Filip Jers有5890位关注着,这在油管上口琴类的博主中,关注者已经不算少了,不信您看下图对比一下就知道了

再为您推送几个Filip Jers演奏的视频

Bye Bye Blackbird - Jazz Chromatic Harmonica Suzuki G48W

SUZUKI Promaster MR350 - Summertime played by Filip Jers

