【口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典XII

UK-based New Zealander Brendan Power is acknowledged by many as one of the most creative, skilled & versatile harmonica players around today. Equally at ease on both the earthy Blues Harp as well as the sophisticated Chromatic Harmonica, he tunes them to his own scales to create a highly original style. He has recorded over twenty solo CDs to date, in a wide variety of musical genres.
总部位于英国的新西兰人Brendan Power被公认为当今最富有创造力,技能和用途最多的口琴演奏家之一。无论是泥土蓝调竖琴还是精致的Chromatic Harmonica,他都可以轻松自在地进行调音,以自己的音阶进行调音,从而营造出高度原创的风格。迄今为止,他已经录制了20多种不同音乐风格的独奏CD。
Since he moved to Britain in 1992, Brendan's eclectic skills and sympathetic ear have made him an in-demand session player, leading to live and recording work with artists such as Kate Bush (her latest album 'Director's Cut'), Sting, Van Morrison, James Galway, Paul Young, Shirley Bassey, John Williams, Mike Batt and many more. Brendan Power His playing is also heard on many Hollywood movie soundtracks (eg. the 2008 Oscar winning soundtrack for 'Atonement', Jackie Chan's 'Shanghai Noon'), and internationally syndicated BBC TV series (eg. 'Billy Connelly in Canada', 'Auf Wiedersehen Pet', and Bruce Parry's 'Arctic' Series). He has featured on the world-renowned 'Jools Holland Show' and regularly toured worldwide, performing in venues such as China's Great Hall of the People, the Royal Albert Hall and The Kremlin. Brendan was voted "International Harmonica Player of the Year 2011/12" by the respected SPAH organisation of America.
自从他于1992年移居英国以来,布伦丹的折衷技巧和同情心的耳朵使他成为了必不可少的部分演奏者,并与凯特·布什(凯特·布什,她的最新专辑《导演剪辑》),斯汀,范·莫里森等艺术家进行了现场录音工作。,詹姆斯·高威,保罗·杨,雪莉·巴西,约翰·威廉姆斯,迈克·巴特等等。布兰登·鲍尔(Brendan Power)的演奏也被许多好莱坞电影配乐(例如2008年获得奥斯卡奖的“赎罪”配乐,成龙的“上海正午”配乐)以及国际联合BBC电视连续剧(例如“加拿大的比利·康纳利”,“ Auf Wiedersehen Pet”和布鲁斯·帕里(Bruce Parry)的“北极”系列)。他曾参加世界著名的“ Jools Holland Show”,并定期在世界各地巡回演出,并在中国人民大会堂,皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅和克里姆林宫等地方演出。布伦丹被备受推崇的美国SPAH组织评为“ 2011/12年度国际口琴演奏家”。
Brendan Power这位大神,总有惊喜给你,下面这首他刚刚在YOUTUBE上推送的视频

Today's ride starts on Giles Lane, Canterbury, about 1km from where I live. Such a beautiful spring day, good to get out of the lockdown and into nature! During the 1980s I played quite a bit of mandolin, and this tune was composed on it. The main melody of this 1991 recording is played on a home-made electric mandola I fashioned from a child-size electric guitar. The beautiful guitar parts are played by my good friend and duo partner of the time, Gary Verberne.
今天的旅程开始于坎特伯雷的吉尔斯巷,距离我居住的地方约1公里。如此美丽的春天,很高兴能脱离锁定并进入大自然!在1980年代,我演奏了很多曼陀林,而这首曲子正是以此作曲。这张1991年唱片的主要旋律是在我用儿童大小的电吉他制成的自制电曼陀罗上演奏的。当时我的好朋友和二重奏搭档Gary Verberne演奏着优美的吉他声。
为各位琴友推送Brendan Power在YOUTUBE上刚刚推送的口琴经典
【口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典I
【口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典III
口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典IV
【口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典V
【口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典VI
【口琴汇--最新经典】Brendan Power刚刚推送的口琴经典VII