【火腿故事】生命电波 | 心脏病突发,美业余电台救火腿一命


Bonds of radio waves

Andrew Burger, left, visits with Gene Bigelow along with Brandon Smith in October 2015 in a hospital in Murray.

在2015年10月,Andrew Burger(左)和 Brandon Smith在穆雷医院探访Gene Bigelow 。

Monroe man helps in Uintah County emergency through ham radio

美犹他州门罗的一个爱好者通过业余无线电帮助Uintah 县的紧急救援

MONROE门罗 (犹他州); — While Keith Cartwright was working in his shop Oct.10, 2015, he didn’t expect what his ham radio received — a call for help.

2015年10月10日,就在Keith Cartwright 忙着打理他店里的生意时,他的业余无线电台上传来了求救信号。

An amateur radio operator had broadcast the SOS, which had been transmitted through the Monroe Peak repeater, which in turn had picked up the signal from the Skyline Radio Club system.


“The signal was weak and had some steam on it,” Cartwright said. “I expected to hear someone respond to the call before I could move across the shop.”

“信号弱,就像蒸汽一样朦朦胧胧,”Cartwright 说。“我穿过店里来到电台前,希望听到有人回复呼叫。”

However, when he reached his radio, no one had responded, so he broadcasted a message back. Cartwright acknowledged receipt of the mayday, and asked how he could help.


“It surprised me,” Cartwright said.


On the other end of the broadcast was a man, Andrew Burger, who was transmitting from the Ashley Twin Lakes area near Vernal. Burger was with a possible heart attack victim, Gene Bigelow.

在电台的另一端是位男性,Andrew Burger,他在阿什利孪生湖的附近地区发射信号。Burger当时和Gene Bigelow在一起,Bigelow当时心脏病发作了。

“I didn’t even know where that was,” Cartwright said.


Burger and his friend Brandon Smith had completed a ham radio operator’s course at Brigham Young University earlier in the year, and happened to have their radios with them.

Burger和朋友 Brandon Smith 早些年在杨百翰大学完成了业余无线电操作员课程,那时候他们真正接触到了电台。

Cartwright was able to get Burger’s GPS coordinates and forward them to dispatchers in Richfield, who in turn connected him to 911 operators in Vernal.

当时,Cartwright 能够得到 Burger的GPS坐标,他们在奇菲尔德 (犹他州)调度,依次拨打在韦纳尔 (犹他州)的911接线员。

Cartwright said he listened to radio traffic and could tell that Bigelow had been transported off of the mountain in a helicopter.

Cartwright 表示,他听到了当地电台的交通广播,广播说Bigelow已经由一架直升机翻山运到医院抢救了。

At the time, that was the end of the story for Cartwright. He wrote down the experience for the local ham radio club, but was left wondering what the outcome of the SOS call had been. After a few months, Cartwright picked up the scrap of paper he had written Burger’s call sign on and contacted him.

这就是Cartwright故事的尾声。事后,他在当地的业余无线电俱乐部写下了这段经历,但是他想知道这个呼叫SOS的人的最后情况怎么样了?几个月后, Cartwright 拿起了写有Burger呼号的纸片并和他联系上了。

Then in April, Cartwright received a letter from Burger.

4月,Cartwright 收到 Burger的来信。

“I’m a solid believer in the relevancy and usefulness of ham radio,” Burger said in his letter. He said the remote area where they were hunting had no cellphone service and if they had relied on cells, there would have been no way of getting Bigelow help.


Berger and Smith had been elk hunting when they had a flat tire. A group of ATV riders stopped to help the two men.

当时,Berger和Smith 麋鹿狩猎时,他们汽车有一个轮胎漏气了。一群ATV骑手停下来帮助了他俩。

One of the ATV riders, Bigelow, lost consciousness. Thanks to the relaying of information from northeast Utah, to south central Utah and back again, Bigelow received the medical help he needed.


Burger and Smith visited Bigelow at a hospital in Murray in the days following the experience on the mountain. Bigelow was on the mend, and doctors said it wasn’t a heart attack, and that he was expected to make a full recovery.

Burger 和Smith 在医院探访了Bigelow。Bigelow的病情正在好转,医生说他的病不是心脏病发作并能完全康复。

Radio man

Keith Cartwright checks his radio equipment Monday morning in Monroe. Cartwright was able to relay information to emergency dispatchers from his shop last October.

Keith Cartwright 周一早上在门罗检查他的无线电设备。Cartwright去年10月就可以从他的商店进行紧急调度。

Cartwright said he was happy to get the letter and find out that his efforts from his radio desk were able to help someone in a meaningful way. He said an incident that occurred more than 40 years ago made him a true believer in the power of ham radio.

Cartwright 表示,他很高兴收到这封信,发现他的努力从他的无线电桌子能够以一种有意义的方式帮助别人。他回忆说说40多年前发生的一个事件使他真正相信业余无线电的力量。

“It saved my life and the lives of two other people,” Cartwright said. He said he and a couple of friends had decided to drive into the mountains near Beaver.

“这救了我的命并拯救了其他两个人的生活,”Cartwright 说。四十年前,他和几个朋友决定开车到Beaver附近的山。

“The last thing my dad said to me was, ‘don’t get stuck, that radio doesn’t work,’” Cartwright said. Soon enough, the trio was stuck as a blizzard swarmed and the temperature dropped. His friends implored him to use the radio to call for help.

Cartwright 说“我的父亲和我说的最后一件事是,“不要睡着,那个电台不能正常工作,”。很快,三人被困在暴风雪中,温度不断下降。他的朋友恳求他使用业余无线电求救。

“I wasn’t going to tell them that it didn’t work,” Cartwright said. Faced with the possibility of freezing to death, he tried the radio anyway. Someone picked up the signal. Before long he was talking to his father, who was able to ascertain their location and save them.

“我不打算告诉他们,因为那没什么作用,”Cartwright 说。面对被冻死的可能性,他试着用电台呼叫,有人收到了信号。不久之后他告诉父亲,谁能够确定他们的位置并拯救他们。

“That radio didn’t work when we got back into town, but it worked that one time when I needed it,” Cartwright said.

Cartwright 说:“当我们返回小镇时,那个电台没有在工作,但是当我需要它时,它就能马上工作。“

Cartwright is part of the Sevier Amateur Radio Club, which has been on air since 2009. The organization generally has between 15 and 30 people check in during the weekly nets, which are roll calls of who is broadcasting and listening. Since its inception, the club has completed 338 of its weekly nets, said Steve Fehlhaber, one of the club’s founders.

Steve Fehlhaber俱乐部的创始人之一表示:Cartwright是Sevier业余无线电俱乐部的成员,自2009年以来,他一直对外发声。该组织通常有15至30人在每周通过收发测试检查电台网络。俱乐部自成立以来,已完成338每周在网执机。

Fehlhaber said Cartwright’s experience is an example of how amateur radio operators can be useful to emergency responders — especially when traditional means of communication are not available.


For more information, log onto sevierarc.org.




