

1979 出生于黑龙江

1994 享受知青子女返城政策回到上海

2004 毕业于黑龙江大学,本科

2019 就读于中央美术学院实验艺术学院


Yu Dan

1979 Born in Heilongjiang

1994 Enjoy the policy of returning children of educated youth to Shanghai

2004 Graduated from Heilongjiang University with a bachelor's degree

2019 Studied in School of Experimental Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts

Currently lives in Shanghai, Professional artist

春天里的秋天and秋天里的春天  布面油画  2013

Autumn in Spring and Spring in Autumn

Oil on canvas




2015年我在上海奥赛画廊举办的《静·观——张国龙2015 》展览开幕式上认识了知性而热情的艺术爱好者余丹,她是通过该展览的著名策展人张平杰先生介绍认识的,从此加了微信的朋友圈。我发现她已经不只是爱好艺术那么简单,她是工作忙碌之余游走于上海的各种文化活动和各种大小展览,从艺术界的名家大咖到各种艺术圈活动的积极参与者,有了当代艺术生态系统中类似于到处游飞的“小蜜蜂”活跃存在着,使得“神秘莫测”的当代艺术理念传播,真正有了最基层和最基础的原生态的良性循环。

From a lover of art to a participant

  ——A brief talk on Yu Dan's art journey

In 2015, I met Yu Dan, an intellectual and passionate art lover, at the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Quiet · View——Zhang Guolong 2015" held at Shanghai Orsay Gallery. She was introduced to her by the famous curator of the exhibition, Mr. Zhang Pingjie. Since then added WeChat Moments. I found out that she is not just a hobby of art. She is a variety of cultural activities and exhibitions of various sizes in Shanghai after she is busy at work, from famous artists in the art world to active participants in various activities in the art circle. With the active existence of "little bees" in the contemporary art ecosystem, the "mysterious" contemporary art concept is spread, and there is truly a virtuous circle of the most grassroots and foundation original ecology.

真国色  纸本水彩  2018

True national color

Watercolor on paper


If the preference for works of art requires a certain degree of professional knowledge, then the preference for artistic activities itself is entirely out of a nature. She is enthusiastic about the cultural and artistic activities, and is deeply felt by us. So the "materialization and material transformation" cases I sent every day in the circle of friends of WeChat became the "required course" she must see every day. In 2019, the School of Experimental Art of the Central Academy of Fine Arts is recruiting students for the advanced training class of "Installation Art and Material Language". Yu Dan applied for the class. When I saw the application materials, I was a little worried about whether her original professional foundation could keep up with the class rhythm of "Special Class".However, but still determined to recruit this art lover who had studied "Finance and Taxation" to study and train in the Experimental Art College of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

谁能看穿真或假  布面油画  2014

Who can see the truth or the falsehood

Oil on canvas


当代艺术大师 约瑟夫·博依斯(Joseph Beuys)曾经说过:“人人都可以是艺术家”,这是从人对待世界的角度来说的,是从艺术人类学:社会和个人、希望和本性、无限的可能和秩序体系等的公共化和社会化系统来说的,这可能是一种未来发展的趋势。人作为社会实践的个体,在现实生活中有很多感受要诉说,有很多感动要传达,有很多感悟要传递。个人,是一种物质和心理材料,更是一种内驱力,内驱力支配着个人又为个人所要求。当一个人以个体出发,睁眼看世界就构成了“角度”,以对世界观察者的视角为依据,角度的不同并立足于自身之外反观自身,构成了人与世界的关系。余丹成长的背景和个人的经历构成她独特的观看世界的角度,她出生在一个特殊的年代,父亲曾是上海“知青”支援黑龙江生产建设,遇到了当地美丽善良的母亲,结婚生子:造就了余丹。这是完美的家庭,从小生长在一个温暖平和氛围之中,和每个幸福的家庭一样。只是后来母亲的病故,同期她响应“知青子女”返城政策从偏远的东北黑龙江落户到繁华的大都市上海。强烈的地域反差,激烈的情感碰撞,环境的重新适应,余丹“如梦初醒”的重新开始审视这个世界,“强烈述求”形成了她独特的自我安慰和自我观照的处世方式和处世态度,构成了处于“本我”的观察方位。于是乎,从事多年财税工作的余丹在一个偶然机缘巧合下接触到艺术领域,从此陆续参与到各种社会活动之中。
Contemporary art master Joseph Beuys  once said: "Everyone can be an artist," this is from people treat the world's point of view, from the artistic anthropology: social and personal, hope and nature, limitless possibilities, and order the system of public and social system, it could be a future development trend. As individuals in social practice, people have a lot of feelings to tell, a lot of moves to convey and a lot of insights to convey in real life. The individual is a kind of material and psychological material, but also a kind of internal drive, which controls the individual and is required by the individual.When a person starts from an individual, "perspective" is formed when he sees the world with his eyes open. Based on the perspective of the observer of the world, the relationship between man and the world is formed when he views himself from different perspectives and stands outside himself. Yu Dan's growth background and personal experience constitute her unique perspective of viewing the world. She was born in a special age. Her father was a Shanghai "Educated Youth" who supported the production and construction of Heilongjiang, met a beautiful and kind mother in the local area, married and had children: Yu Dan. This is the perfect family, grown up in a warm and peaceful atmosphere, just like every happy family. It was only after the death of her mother that during the same period she responded to the policy of returning to the city from the remote northeast Heilongjiang to the prosperous metropolis Shanghai. Strong regional contrast, fierce emotional collision, and re-adaptation to the environment, Yu Dan "woke up from a dream" and began to examine the world again. "Intense statement" formed her unique way and attitude of self-comfort and self-reflection, which constituted her observation position in the "ID". Since then, Yu Dan, who has been engaged in finance and taxation for many years, came into contact with the field of art by chance and has since participated in various social activities.

艺术的精神体现  纸本水彩  2018

The spirit of art

Watercolor on paper


The awakening of "self-awareness" should first be the awareness of self-cognition. Only after the completion of "self-awareness" can it have the meaning of expression and be realized: it is both consciousness and meaning, both knowledge and value. Human nature, human feeling, human thought, is a secret passion, often vulgar and always blind, which groans and quivers within each and every one of us and tries to break through the veil of reason and decorum which we cover with it. Yu Dan's self-emotional intervention, looking at the world embodies a certain "temperature". Fortunately, the way of artistic expression seems to awaken some complex in her body. As a personal experience, can she pass on the feelings acquired in her life process, or actively or passively accept and control the reality through artistic activities. Everything has a spirit, everyone has emotion, and everything has a cause. Art activities are the medium of human and social activities, a shared process of watching and being watched, experiencing and being experienced, and expressing and being expressed. Humans create art to meet people's needs for a certain life experience. Art is an expression of human life consciousness. They contain a common motif: God's care and consistent feelings, so as to get a common understanding: the idea of unity and development of symbiosis. Art is the natural openness of human perception, feeling, sensibility, and emotion. It is the support of human nature and the self-confirmation of human nature. "The best way to escape the world is art, and the best way to connect with the world is art." Goethe's words express one of the most basic feelings of all great artists. Yu Dan stepped onto the bridge of communication with the world and grasped the "straw" of "life-saving", so she was immersed in it and enjoyed it.

激情燃烧的岁月  布面油画  2015

Intense emotion combustion of years

Oil on canvas


既然找到了艺术的渠道可以获得精神上的释放,那么艺术的表达是有其自身的特点和规律的。在艺术的世界里,有其自己的传递信息的规律,掌握传递规律,寻找媒介资源,有效达到预期的可能性,才是真正的艺术表达。于是2019年余丹来到了北京,亲身体验到了艺术生态环境的变化,在中央美术学院实验艺术学院“装置艺术与材料语言”研修期间,如饥似渴地学习,开始尝试着从自己的角度出发,使自己的“温度”传递,让自己的“态度”明确,用艺术的方式表达出自己的观念“维度”。在去年北京锦都艺术中心举办的《温度 —- 实验艺术延展第二回》展览中,余丹的《明心见性》作品,充分发挥自己的内在情感优势,精力充沛的完美表现效果,充满想象力的呈现方式,并受到了广泛的关注。作品以石榴作为创作元素,选定佛教吉祥果“石榴”作为创作源起,赋予了某种程度上的暗示。石榴成熟后会开裂,取出成熟的果实,转而为“空”,层层递进,步步为营,面面相觑。通过内留一颗“石榴籽”,将外置六颗“石榴籽”置换成某种意义上的“文字”符号的关系,构成内外“北斗七星”的格局,表达了“清空自己,放下杂念,心不变,万物不变”的内涵,最后形成“以不变应万变,万变不离其宗”的理念。用艺术的方式,实现了自己的愿望,构成了一个丰盈饱满的精神力量。
Since we have found an artistic channel to obtain spiritual release, then the expression of art has its own characteristics and laws. In the world of art, there is its own law of transmitting information, mastering the law of transmitting, searching for media resources, and the possibility of effectively achieving expectations are the true artistic expressions. So in 2019, Yu Dan came to Beijing to experience the changes in the art ecological environment, During the study of "Installation Art and Material Language" in the Experimental Art School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, she studied eagerly. she began to try to transfer her "temperature" from her own point of view, make her "attitude" clear, and express her concept "dimension" in an artistic way. In the exhibition "Temperature—Extension of Experimental Art Second" held by Beijing Jindu Art Center last year, Yu Dan's work "Seeing Nature Through the Heart" gave full play to her inner emotional advantages, full of energetic and perfect performance. The presentation of imagination has received widespread attention. The work uses pomegranate as the creative element, and the Buddhist auspicious fruit "Pomegranate" is selected as the creative source, which gives a certain degree of hint. Pomegranate will be ripe after cracking, take out the ripe fruit, turned into "empty", layer by layer, step by step, look at each other. By leaving one "pomegranate seed" inside, the six "pomegranate seeds" outside are replaced into a relationship of "character" symbols in a sense. The structure of the "Big Dipper" inside and outside expresses the connotation of "emptying oneself, putting aside distractions, keeping the heart unchanged, and keeping everything unchanged". Finally, it forms the concept of "keeping everything unchanged and keeping everything unchanged from its philosophy". Using artistic methods, she realized her wish and constituted a rich and full spiritual power.

自我意识・环保—生命之花  布面油画  2013

Self-awareness・environmental protection - the flower of life

Oil on canvas


文 / 张国龙 
Through artistic experimentation, Yu Dan went from being an art lover to an art practitioner, realizing her ideals in life. Although her way of expression is still slightly inadequate and her professional skills need to be improved, her obsession with art will encourage her to create better works. Through Yu Dan's practice, it is also expected that more "everyone" can realize their personal values through artistic experiments. Experimental art focuses on social behaviors, transforming human existence from the real world to the spiritual world. Through art, it is possible for human beings to transcend the limitations of the real world, interact with the illusion world in the conception, and realize the dream of the human spiritual world. People can not only "heart-to-heart" emotionally, but also "connect with each other" on the spiritual level. It constitutes the biosphere of the spiritual world, forming a community of spiritual sustenance. Experimental art allows us to find eternity in real life and spiritual time and space. Through the practice of art, we can achieve resource sharing and language commonality, common understanding and spiritual resonance.
By Zhang Guolong
Professor, School of Experimental Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts

明心见性  装置  2020 

Find one's true self


The pomegranate is 130cm in diameter

150cm in height

240cm in length

120cm in width and 50cm in height


2020 温度——延展第二回,锦都艺术中心,北京,中国

2018 纪念中日和平友好条约缔结40周年——中日艺术家联合展,日本别府美术馆,日本

2016 参加中国儿童少年基金会,支持2016年中国儿童少年基金会“京东618公益益拍”活动,北京,中国

2016 参加中国儿童少年基金会《“HELLO小孩”走进河北赤城茨营子》公益活动,河北,中国

Selected Exhibitions

2020 Temperature——Extended 2nd Round, Jindu Art Center, Beijing, China

2018 Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between China and Japan -- Joint Exhibition of Chinese and Japanese Artists, Beppu Art Museum, Japan

2016 Participated in China Children and Teenage Foundation and supported the "Jingdong 618 Charity Auction" activity of China Children and Teenage Foundation, Beijing, China

2016 Participated in the public benefit activity of "Hello Kids" in Ciyingzi, Chicheng, Hebei, China



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