
At this bookstore in Taiwan, visitors shop in the dark


By Maggie Hiufu Wong/ Oct. 23, 2020
Edited and Translated by Sally

Remember when you used to sneak a flashlight under the covers so you could read a book after bedtime? A bookshop in Taiwan promises you a similar experience.


Wuguan Books is located in Kaohsiung's Pier-2 Art Center, a warehouse-turned-creative hub in Taiwan's second-largest city. And it is just as much an art exhibit as it is a bookshop.


Visitors make their way through the store in extreme darkness, except for the dim spotlights on each of the book covers and reading lights on some desks.


The unique bookshop is created and founded by the award-winning architecture and space designer Chu Chih-kang.


Chu designed Fangsuo Bookstore in Chengdu, which local media has described as the most beautiful bookstore in China.


No flashlights allowed  禁止使用手电筒

The mix of the pitch-dark environment and dimly-lit books creates the illusion that the books are "floating" while the rest of the environment disappears. There are 400 bookshelves in the shop, each with just one "floating" book.


"This is designed so that people can focus on every book. In an environment where you can't see, your other senses will be heightened," Su Yu-shan, the shop manager, told CNN Travel.

“这是为了让人们能够专注于每一本书。在一个黑暗的环境中,你的其他感官会得到提升,”商店经理苏玉山(音译)告诉 CNN Travel。

But don't try to cheat by using your smartphone to light the way: The use of flashlights and flashes are banned inside Wuguan.


And that isn't the only rule at this experiential store. A list of tongue-in-cheek rules is printed at the entrance. They include "Don't shout when someone steps on your toes. Step on his/hers" and "If someone wants the same book (as you), buy the book or get his/her number."


Harry Potter fans will also appreciate one of the guidelines: "if you think it's too dark inside, pick up a tree branch and shout: "Lumos'."


The bookstore is not for 'taking Instagram beauty shots' 这家书店不是为了“拍Instagram美女照”而创建的

But, ultimately, Wuguan is so much more than a store -- the store's staff believe there is a higher purpose to book buying. The bookstore's slogan is "Wuguan Books -- about soul reading."

但是,归根结底,无关不仅仅是一家商店——该店的工作人员认为,还有比买书更高的目的。书店的口号是“无关书店 — 关乎读心”

"In this environment, you're free to be yourself, to communicate with your soul -- your truest self," Su said.

苏说:“在这种环境下,你可以自由地做自己,与你最真实的自我- 你的灵魂交流 。”

That's why the entrance of Wuguan is decorated as a traditional Chinese mourning hall. It's a metaphor for visitors to let go of the images and judgments that have held them back.


"Visiting Wuguan, it's to spend time with yourself and find a book that can resonate with you, instead of taking Instagram beauty shots," Su said.


Wuguan Books doesn't care about having the biggest selection. Instead, it focuses on creating an experience.


"Although we don't have a massive selection like a normal bookstore, people spend longer times (here) to communicate with books," Su said. "The dark environment has helped people to pick up books they dare not to pick up in other bookstores. Mostly erotic, but also books about souls, emotions or negative energy. It helps people to summon up their courage to be rebellious, or face their wounds."


Wuguan is only open to visitors over the age of 18 at the moment, as the store contains some books that cover sensitive topics, and sells merchandise that is not necessarily appropriate for younger readers (such as sex toys).


'Haunted house' vibes      “鬼屋”氛围

In addition to books, Wuguan is also home to a small shop section that sells an eclectic mix of curiosities, home accessories and sex toys, as well as a coffee bar.


curiosity:奇物 ; 珍品

"Things that we thought might happen like guests tripping, sleeping and stealing have almost never happened," Su said.


"But many were hesitant to come in because they were afraid of the dark -- they thought it was a haunted house."

“但许多人不敢进来,因为他们害怕黑暗 — 他们以为那是鬼屋。”

Wuguan Books, C7-6 Warehouse, 2-1 Dayi Street, Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung City; +886 7 531 8813

高雄市驳二艺术特区大邑街(音译)2-1号,C7-6仓库,+886 7 531 8813



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