



Learn and use Tao Te Ching to make life channels unblocked<Tao Te Ching Chapter 39 sharing - blessing of connecting month>Serial 03

Love and gratitude are the source of all creation. I want to treat everyone, everything, every work, every customer, every grass and everything else with my whole-hearted love. If we use love and gratitude to connect with the world of different dimensions, all things in the world, our parents and ancestors, then everything in different dimensions of the world will also love us, which means we are connected with 'connectedness'! If we do not harm the connection of everything in different dimensions of the world, everything will not harm us, which means we are connected with 'peace'! If we cherish the connection of everything in different dimensions of the world, everything must cherish us, which means we are connected with 'longevity'! If we show kindness to the connection of everything in different dimensions of the world, everything will also show kindness to us, which means we are connected with 'happiness'! If we care the connection of everything in different dimensions of the world, everything will definitely belong to us, which means we are connected with 'wealth'! If we respect the connection of everything in different dimensions of the world, everything will respect us, which means we are connected with 'nobleness', 'auspiciousness', and 'peace and safety'!

A person's achievements do not mean hard work and then the achievements. Effort is necessary, but it does not necessarily means getting rich. A person's achievements are linked to his seeds. Why are the flowers so gorgeous? Why are pines so verdant and tall? Why are the grasses so lush? They are all determined by seeds. Everything in this world is based on the cause and effect determined by seeds. After understanding this rule, let's look at it again: Why do some people have money but don’t feel happiness? Why do some people work so hard but can't get success? Why do some people look ordinary but live a happy, healthy, and long life? Why did some people pass away but still live in everyone's heart? All these are determined by the seeds. Every time the thoughts, words and actions of human beings will be stored in the form of information in the body to form our thinking mode. This is the 'seed', and the seed is life. If life does not change, good results such as health, wealth, and good fortune will not show up.

I know that my shortcomings and immaturity will often make myself a little bit painful. But I will use the calmful reading, learning and practice, and awareness and clearing up of Tao Te Ching to make the channel of my life body energy unblocked. In the world, everything is created by ourselves, and we create everything that belongs to us as well. The decision on what seeds to sow for life is in our own hands!



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