New Phytol|中科院遗传发育所王永红研究员和浙大吴殿星教授在LAZY2控制水稻分蘖角研究机制中取得新成果

水稻(Oryza sativa)分蘖角是实现理想株型和高产的关键因素。然而,水稻分蘖角的分子机制尚不清楚。




  • Rice (Oryza sativa) tiller angle is a key component for achieving ideal plant architecture and higher grain yield. However, the molecular mechanism underlying rice tiller angle remains elusive.

  • We characterized a novel rice tiller angle mutant lazy2 (la2) and isolated the causative gene LA2 through map-based cloning. Biochemical, molecular and genetic studies were conducted to elucidate the LA2-involved tiller angle regulatory mechanism.

  • The la2 mutant shows large tiller angle with impaired shoot gravitropism and defective asymmetric distribution of auxin. We found that starch granules in amyloplasts are completely lost in the gravity-sensing leaf sheath base cells of la2, whereas the seed development is not affected. LA2 encodes a novel chloroplastic protein that can interact with the starch biosynthetic enzyme Oryza sativa plastidic phosphoglucomutase (OspPGM) to regulate starch biosynthesis in rice shoot gravity-sensing cells. Genetic analysis showed that LA2 regulates shoot gravitropism and tiller angle by acting upstream of LA1 to mediate lateral auxin transport.

  • Our studies revealed that LA2 acts as a novel regulator of rice tiller angle by specifically regulating starch biosynthesis in gravity-sensing cells, and established the framework of the starch-statolith-dependent rice tiller angle regulatory pathway, providing new insights into the rice tiller angle regulatory network.




