
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on“The Importance of Teamwork”. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words, and you can refer to the following outlines.





The Importance of Teamwork

Helping each other can be especially important in finding a job especially when it comes to preparation for an interview. That's not the only place where team work can play a part in job-hunting, because people can exchange ideas and information about jobs and prospective employers.

Working as a team means having a common goal where everyone can focus on the successful achievement of the planned target. That applies as much in a team sporting event as it does in a business enterprise. Without teamwork, people will proceed along their own paths and possibly waste a lot of energy and expense by duplicating work done by others. When people get together as a team effort, each member knows what part they play in the overall planning and they also know they have the support of their fellow members of the team.

Getting along with others is essential for good team work and members have to show tolerance toward one another. A good team of people will display positive and open-minded attitudes to ideas. When brainstorming for the best solutions to achieve the team's goals, every idea thrown into the discussion needs to be considered.










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