校园日记14:I Like Math Class

Tuesday, March 9th. Perfect


I had a good experience. The weather has gotten better in the last few days. It was so warm. And it made me really happy. It was ideal for taking a walk. I really like the spring breeze.

Today's math class was very interesting. When it comes to math, I was really on the ball. When I was praised, I felt proud. Oh, today my class hold a interesting activity, too.  We changed our gifts to each other. I got a beautiful note book. I feel delightful. Everything went well. I passed the day pleasantly.

Louie says:

I'm glad to hear you like math class. It may take more effort for some girls to learn math well. However, I'm really interested in your gift exchange game, and it would be nice if you could write more. Have a nice day!

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