光的花火 | Winifred Nicholson
Winifred Nicholson
Winifred Nicholson1893年出生于英国牛津,作者第一眼看到她的绘画想到的是乔治·莫兰迪画的静物画,两者各有千秋,都是19世纪西方最具写意精神的艺术家代表。
右侧的女士是Winifred Nicholson
Winifred Nicholson创造了一种与众不同的写意派画风,这在西方油画家中十分难得。Winifred通常选择静物和风景作为她的创作主题,而静物中她又格外喜欢画花。
“My paintings talk in colour and any of the shapes are there to express colour but not outline. The flowers are sparks of light, built of and thrown out into the air as rainbows are thrown, in an arc.”
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