
【例句】As I emerged into the main baking area I began to appreciate why theseartisanal bakeries are such an integral part of restaurant life.
【同根词】attain; contact; contaminate; entire; intact; integer; integrate; integrity; noli me tangere; tact; tactics; tactile;tangent; tangible; task; taste; tax; taxis.

【例句】In Christianity, the rest of the flower is sacred grass, and is often used todecorate in religious consciousness of the altar.
【同根词】saint、 sanctify。

【造词理据】可能源自原始印欧语词根*ka- (喜欢=like),C为K的同音[k]通转,K表手,引申指“抓住、喜欢”。
【例句】If I find my wife, I would be very cherish and care for him, to share happiness witha long and simple life, through our life after.

【例句】Jinn, a proponent of the living Force over the more serene unifying Force, hadlong been a maverick in the eyes of the Jedi Council.

【例句】I accepted that all above me was all that was fine and noble and gracious, all that gave decency and dignity to life.
【同根词】agree; bard (n.); congratulate; congratulation; disgrace; grace; gracious; grateful; gratify; gratis; gratitude;gratuitous; gratuity; gratulation; ingrate; ingratiate.