雅思口语 sleep睡眠

1 Sleep occupies nearly a third of our lives, but many of us give surprisingly little attention and care to it. 睡眠几乎占据了我们生命的三分之一,可是令人惊讶的是许多人并不关心他们的睡眠。

2 This neglect is often the result of a major misunderstanding. 人们对睡眠的忽视往往源于一个很大的误解。

3 During sleep your body balances and regulates its vital systems, affecting respiration and regulating everything from circulation to growth and immune response.在睡眠期间,你的身体会对各个系统进行调节, 你的呼吸,血液循环系统,免疫系统和身体的成长都会受到影响。

4 It turns out that sleep is also crucial for your brain. 原来睡眠对你的大脑也至关重要。

5 A fifth of your body's circulatory blood can be channeled to your brain as you drift off.   在你进入梦乡的时候,你身体里的五分之一的血液会流入你的大脑。

6 And what goes on in your brain while you sleep is intensely active period of restructuring. That's crucial for how our memory works. 你睡觉的时候正是大脑进行整合的时间。这个阶段对我们的记忆功能非常重要。

