法国画家亚历山大-加布里埃尔·德坎普斯 (Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps,1803-1860年)

法国画家亚历山大-加布里埃尔·德坎普斯 (Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps,1803-1860年)法国画家亚历山大-加布里埃尔·德坎普斯(Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps,1803-1860年)图片来源于:互联网

The Witches in Macbeth

Turkish guardhouse on the Smyrna-Magnesia road1833

The Punishment of the Hooks

The Reading of a Firman

Watchdogsc. 1829

The Bookworm

A Well in the East1847

The Miraculous Draught of Fishes

The Favourite of the Pasha

A Turkish Gunner

Eastern Soldiers

Out of School

The Villa Doria Pamphilj Rome

The Anchorage of Smyrna

The Watering Place

An Odalisque

Eastern Figures Reposing

The Finding of Moses1837

Soldier of the Guard of a Vizier

The Roman Campagna

The Watering Place

Crossing the River

Cart Horses

On the Roof of an Oriental House

Fording a River

Joseph sold by his Brethren

The Turkish Patrol

Children gathering Flowers1844

Asses resting: a Turkish Scene

Eastern Women at a Well1851

Marius Defeats the Cimbrians on the Plain Between Belsannettes and the Grande Fugèrec. 1834

Christ at the Praetorium1847

Turkish Merchant Smoking in His Shop1844

