美国加州年年大火岁岁燃,执政者难辞其咎 | 经济学人精讲第758期

Golden State ablaze 点亮加州
Golden state 是美国加州的别称,所以美国加州旧金山的职业篮球队被称为“金州勇士队”
Why is California burning?
It’s time to think harder about incentives
Sep 12th 2020 |

FOR DECADES environmentalists have warned that the world is going to burn. Mostly, they meant it figuratively. But footage of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California, make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire. New infernos have been whipped up by strong winds and scorching temperatures across the Golden State. On September 7th PG&E, a utility serving northern California, shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes in an attempt to stop live lines from sparking more blazes. So far this year, California has seen more than 2.5m acres (1m hectares) burned and more than 3,700 structures destroyed—all before the autumn months when the Santa Ana winds normally stir up the worst of the annual blazes. With over three months remaining of this year’s fire season, few doubt the state is facing its worst yet.
figuratively: 象征性地
inferno: 地狱、无法控制的大火
whip up: 激起
live line: 带电线路
stir up: 激起、煽动
The fires themselves cannot be stopped; they are fuelled by climate change layered on top of an ecosystem that burns regularly as part of its natural cycle. Hotter temperatures and drier landscapes mean more fires. But the damage need not be so great. Much of California’s mess is of its own making. It has made itself more vulnerable with a litany of out-of-date regulations and self-defeating policies.
California does deserve credit (for being the only American state to have adopted fire-safe building codes) (for what is known as the “wildland-urban interface”), (where houses are sparsely dotted through tall, flammable trees and vegetation, often on steep slopes that flames can race up). Evidence suggests the codes do help limit damage. However, they apply only to new structures, and do nothing about the need to retrofit the vast majority of existing houses and other properties. Nor are there subsidies or other incentives to nudge people and firms to take on the onerous and expensive task of making buildings safe.
race up: 急剧上升
retrofit: 改进、改善
nudge: 推动、推进
onerous: 繁重的