雅思口语| Part3: photo and camera照片和相机

a wide selection 有很多款式供选择
We've got a wide selection. 我们有很多款式供您选择。
a point-and-shoot傻瓜相机
a little fancier 稍微高档一点儿
Do you know if you'd like a point-and-shoot, or something a little fancier? 您是喜欢傻瓜相机还是稍微高档一点儿的呢?
entry-level digital SLR 入门级数码单反相机
Ah, well then I'd recommend a nice entry-level digital SLR. 啊,好的,那我推荐您这款不错的入门级数码单反相机。
performs good low light 低光性能比较好
has a good display panel 有好的显示屏
has a long battery life 电池寿命长
I'm looking for something that performs better in low light, has a better display panel, and longer battery life.我想找一部低光性能比较好,能有好一些的显示屏,和电池寿命能更长一些的。
a nice option 不错的选择
Oh, ah, um, the Nikon D60 is a nice option.
kit lens  镜头组件
bulky/ˈbʌlki/ telephoto lens 笨重的长焦镜头
Yeah, but what kit lens does this camera come with? I don't want some bulky telephoto lens.是的,但是这部相机包含的镜头组件是什么样的?我不想要那种笨重的长焦镜头。
polarizing/'polə,raɪz/ filters 偏光滤光镜
Do you carry polarizing filters?你们有偏振滤光器吗?

