学英语一怕望文生义,因为很多短语并不是它字面上的意思,但它们又是存在的,所以它们有特别的寓意;二怕断章取义,因为很多单词或短语的意思丰富多彩,不同的上下文或语境可能会有不同的用法,因此学习不可不博,但也不能太多的死记硬背。 就像 in deep water 不要理解为“在深水处”一样,in the black 也不要理解为“处于黑暗中”,它跟”黑“没有关系。在英语中要表达”处于黑暗中“,通常指缺少光造成的“黑暗”,可以用 in the dark 或 in the darkness,例如: in the dark: All the lights went out and we were left in the dark .灯全熄了,我们周围一片黑暗。He groped around in the dark for his other sock.他在黑暗中到处瞎摸找另一只袜子。但其实,in the dark 也还有其他的寓意,译为“全然不知”,后面常接 about sth,例如: Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.工人全然不知出售公司的计划。She arrived at the meeting as much in the dark as everyone else.她到会时与其他人一样毫不知情。在英语中,有很多短语有比较容易理解的寓意,又如:against the clock 争分夺秒,add fuel to the flames火上浇油和eat like a horse 食量大如牛等等,因此,知其然知其所以然,学不可不博,如果能结合分门别类的良好习惯,学习将会事半功倍。 in the darkness:A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness.一个烟头在黑暗中发着红光。We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness.我们设法在黑暗中摆脱了追赶者。in the black 是一个习语,比喻不负债,可以译为“有盈余,有结余”,例如:She hoped that her business would be in the black after getting a few more contracts.她希望在多签了几份合同后,她的生意能有起色。Until his finances are in the black I don't want to get married.在他有银行存款之前,我不想和他结婚。This country should make gambling legal so that its finances can finally be put in the black.这个国家应该使赌博合法化,这样它的财政才能有盈余。有的时候如果能结合实际,那么加强和加深记忆,不然很难理解为什么 in the black 跟钱有什么关系。其实,若一个公司有净利润,那么在报表上的盈余是用黑色来标识的,因此 in the black 跟盈余有关。相应地,若一个公司亏本,那么在报表上的亏损是用红色表示的,因此 in the red 跟亏损有关,用来比喻负债亏损,可以译为“负债,亏空”,例如:We're back in the red because sales are way down this quarter.我们又亏损了,因为这个季度的销售额下降了很多。I have so many outstanding parking tickets that I'll be in the red if I pay them all off at once!我有那么多未付的停车罚单,如果我一下子付清,我就负债累累了!The enterprise which has been operating in the red has decided to swith to other production.那家亏损企业决定转产。在学习的过程中,分门别类不是简单的一个好习惯,它会让你的记忆形成链条,不但不容易脱落,而且会越串越长,到最后你会发现,所谓的学习方法,就是几条互相串联或并联的记忆链条。