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At present, China's regulation of the field of foreign investment is based on the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and the Law of thePeople's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures (hereinafter referred to as “Three Laws on Foreign Investment”). Three Laws on Foreign Investment and the administrative regulations issued by the State Council and departmental regulations issued by the government organs such as Ministry of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China Securities Regulatory Commission and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, form a complete legal system of foreign investment, which provides effective legal protection for opening wider to the outside world and actively utilizing foreign capital.

According to Article 39 of the Draft, as long as the Law on Foreign Investment of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Foreign Investment Law") takes effect, the Three Laws on Foreign Investment will be repealed, which means that the Foreign Investment Law will replace the Three Laws, regulating unifiedly Chinese-Foreign EquityJoint Ventures, wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and Chinese-ForeignContractual Joint Ventures with unified standards. Unlike the three foreign investment laws, the legislative concept of the Foreign Investment Law has changed from "restriction" to "protection".

Ⅰ Analysis ofcharacteristics of the draft

On the whole, compared with the Three Laws on Foreign Investment,the content of the Draft has the following characteristics:

(i) Streamlined and abstract contents

Compared with Three Laws on Foreign Investment, the Draft, which contains only 39 Articles, involves less specific operational contents, and its contents are really streamlined a lot and mostly more abstract. Thus, it implies that the specific regulations of conduct of foreign-invested enterprises will be incorporated into the “Company Law”, “Contract Law” and other general legal norms, which more highlights China's equal treatment of foreign investment.

(ii) Transition from “regulation and restriction” to “promotion and protection”

The Draft consists of five chapters. In addition to the Chapter 1 of the general provisions and Chapter 5 of legal liability, the remaining three chapters are investment promotion, investment protection and investment management. The contents of the chapter of investment management focuses on the regulation of State administrative organs, rather than restrictions on foreign-invested enterprises, highlighting the attitude of protecting and promoting foreign investment. The Draft also gives an impression of showing foreign investment protection policy.

(iii) Weakening and eliminating differential treatment and promoting fair competition

From the form of the unity of the Three Laws on Foreign Investment, we can see that in addition to weakening and eliminating the distinction between Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures, the Draft also intends to weaken and eliminate domestic and foreign-invested discrimination. The Draft repeatedly mentions equality, reciprocity and equivalence in many terms, weakening and eliminatingthe differential treatment of foreign-invested enterprises in many aspects, such as policy, social environment and treatment, and emphasizing equal market position.

Ⅱ Summary

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, looking back the development of foreign investment enterprises in china, from the early trades of the three-processing and one compensation to participating actively in the various economic fields of china, the foreign capital plays a huge rolein the process of reform and opening up and in the economic and social development. Now, with the development of china’s economy, in the aspect of advantages of preferential policies, low labor costs and so on, which helped china to attract the industrial transfer of developed countries and to be the world factory, china is being replaced gradually by other developing countries. On one hand, china is devoting itself to industrial update and prefer investments in high-end industries; on the other hand, china’s low-end manufacturing industry is assuming the potential and pressure of transferring to other developing countries due to the factors of costs, labor, environmental policies atc..

Although the scale of China's foreign investment was totally 4.1 billion yuan from 1978 to 1984, and has reached 877.56 billion yuan in 2017, china still has a strong desire to attract foreign investment. The head of the foreign investment department of the Ministry of Commerce pointed out that the absorption of foreign capital in China, in 2017, mainly presents three characteristics: The first is the continuous optimization of the environment for foreign investment. The second is the continuous optimization of the industrial structure of foreign investment. The third is the continuous optimization of the distribution of foreign investment in the regions. There are signs reflecting that China will become more open to foreign investment and the policy and legal environment will improve more and more.

From the subversive legislative structure and theme of the Draft, we can also see that the Chinese government is to take a substantial step in the aspect of attracting and protecting foreign investment. The promulgation of the Foreign Investment Law will be a milestone in the process of building China's foreign investment legal system. The law on foreign investment will become a foreign investment rights and interests protection law and a Magna Carta for protection of foreign investment, which will change greatly China's foreign investment environment. The environment for foreign investment in China is good and getting better.

Legal service about foreign investment is one of our main and advantageous businesses. With rich professional experience and professional ability, our team can provide customers with high-quality foreign investment legal services. We will continue to pay attention to the promulgation of the foreign investment law and publish a series of articles about foreign investment, M&A of corporations and international finance and so on, sharing our professional experience in the field of foreign investment with you.


