


HOPE (The Hurria Older PatiEnts with Breast Cancer Cohort Study): Clinical and Biological Predictors of Chemotherapy Toxicity in Older Adults (NCT01472094)




  • 蒽环类化疗(1分)

  • 二期或三期(3分)

  • 计划治疗时间>3个月(4分)

  • 肝功能异常(3分)

  • 低血红蛋白(3分)

  • 跌倒(4分)

  • 步行受限(3分)

  • 缺乏社会支持(3分)


  • 低风险(0~5分)

  • 中风险(6~11分)

  • 高风险(≥12分)


  • 建模队列:19%、54%、87%(P<0.01)

  • 验证队列:27%、45%、76%


  • 建模队列:0.75(95%置信区间:0.70~0.81)

  • 验证队列:0.69(95%置信区间:0.62~0.77)



J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jan 14. Online ahead of print.

Development and Validation of a Risk Tool for Predicting Severe Toxicity in Older Adults Receiving Chemotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer.

Magnuson A, Sedrak MS, Gross CP, Tew WP, Klepin HD, Wildes TM, Muss HB, Dotan E, Freedman RA, O'Connor T, Dale W, Cohen HJ, Katheria V, Arsenyan A, Levi A, Kim H, Mohile S, Hurria A, Sun CL.

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; City of Hope, Duarte, CA; Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC; Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, NC; Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA; Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY; Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.

KEY OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a model that can predict grade 3-5 chemotherapy toxicity in patients of age 65 years or older with early-stage breast cancer.

KNOWLEDGE GENERATED: The Cancer and Aging Research Group-Breast Cancer (CARG-BC) score, derived by combining eight clinical and geriatric variables, was developed to classify older patients with early-stage breast cancer into low, intermediate, and high risk for grade 3-5 chemotherapy toxicity. The score was externally validated; demonstrated to better predict toxicity compared with prior models and physician-rated performance status; and was strongly associated with dose reductions, dose delays, early treatment discontinuation, reduced dose intensity, and hospitalizations.

RELEVANCE: These findings may be useful to clinicians for predicting individual probability of chemotherapy toxicity and directing therapy in older adults with early-stage breast cancer. Intensifying supportive care and developing modified treatment regimens may be appropriate for subgroups identified as being vulnerable to greater toxicity.

PURPOSE: Limited tools exist to predict the risk of chemotherapy toxicity in older adults with early-stage breast cancer.

METHODS: Patients of age ≥ 65 years with stage I-III breast cancer from 16 institutions treated with neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy were prospectively evaluated for geriatric and clinical features predictive of grade 3-5 chemotherapy toxicity. Logistic regression with best-subsets selection was used to identify and incorporate independent predictors of toxicity into a model with weighted variable scoring. Model performance was evaluated using area under the ROC curve (AUC) and goodness-of-fit statistics. The model was internally and externally validated.

RESULTS: In 473 patients (283 in development and 190 in validation cohort), 46% developed grade 3-5 chemotherapy toxicities. Eight independent predictors were identified (each assigned weighted points): anthracycline use (1 point), stage II or III (3 points), planned treatment duration > 3 months (4 points), abnormal liver function (3 points), low hemoglobin (3 points), falls (4 points), limited walking (3 points), and lack of social support (3 points). We calculated risk scores for each patient and defined three risk groups: low (0-5 points), intermediate (6-11 points), or high (≥ 12 points). In the development cohort, the rates of grade 3-5 chemotherapy toxicity for these three groups were 19%, 54%, and 87%, respectively (P < .01). In the validation cohort, the corresponding toxicity rates were 27%, 45%, and 76%. The AUC was 0.75 (95% CI, 0.70 to 0.81) in the development cohort and 0.69 (95% CI, 0.62 to 0.77) in the validation cohort. Risk groups were also associated with hospitalizations and reduced dose intensity (P < .01).

CONCLUSION: The Cancer and Aging Research Group-Breast Cancer (CARG-BC) score was developed and validated to predict grade 3-5 chemotherapy toxicity in older adults with early-stage breast cancer.

PMID: 33444080

DOI: 10.1200/JCO.20.02063



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