双语金融术语:Forward Contract(远期合约)

What Is a Forward Contract?


A forward contract is a customized contract between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. A forward contract can be used for hedging or speculation, although its non-standardized nature makes it particularly apt for hedging.


Example of a Forward Contract


Assume that an agricultural producer has two million bushels of corn to sell six months from now and is concerned about a potential decline in the price of corn. It thus enters into a forward contract with its financial institution to sell two million bushels of corn at a price of $4.30 per bushel in six months, with settlement on a cash basis.


In six months, the spot price of corn has three possibilities:


1. It is exactly $4.30 per bushel. In this case, no monies are owed by the producer or financial institution to each other and the contract is closed.

2. It is higher than the contract price, say $5 per bushel. The producer owes the institution $1.4 million, or the difference between the current spot price and the contracted rate of $4.30.

3. It is lower than the contract price, say $3.50 per bushel. The financial institution will pay the producer $1.6 million, or the difference between the contracted rate of $4.30 and the current spot price.

1. 正好是每蒲式耳4.30美元。在这种情况下,生产者或金融机构彼此不欠任何款项,合同也就结束了。

2. 比合约价格高,比方说每蒲式耳5美元。生产商欠该机构140万,即当前现货价格与合约费率4.30美元之间的差额。

3. 低于合同价格,比如说每蒲式耳3.50美元。金融机构将向生产商支付160万,即4.30美元的合同费率与当前现货价格之间的差额。

Risks with Forward Contracts


The market for forward contracts is huge since many of the world’s biggest corporations use it to hedge currency and interest rate risks. However, since the details of forward contracts are restricted to the buyer and seller – and are not known to the general public – the size of this market is difficult to estimate.


The large size and unregulated nature of the forward contracts market mean that it may be susceptible to a cascading series of defaults in the worst-case scenario. While banks and financial corporations mitigate this risk by being very careful in their choice of counterparty, the possibility of large-scale default does exist.


Another risk that arises from the non-standard nature of forward contracts is that they are only settled on the settlement date and are not marked-to-market like futures. What if the forward rate specified in the contract diverges widely from the spot rate at the time of settlement?


In this case, the financial institution that originated the forward contract is exposed to a greater degree of risk in the event of default or non-settlement by the client than if the contract were marked-to-market regularly.




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