
C/C++的学习裙【七一二 二八四 七零五】,无论你是小白还是进阶者,是想转行还是想入行都可以来了解一起进步一起学习!裙内有开发工具,很多干货和技术资料分享!(点击蓝字进入)
3)如果没有空间产生一个新的数字块,玩家则game over。


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <time.h>#include <conio.h>//num#define FALSE0#define TRUE1#define EMPTY_CELL 0#define GMAE_ROW 4#define GMAE_COL4//GameState#define STATE_SELECT 0#define STATE_PREPARE 1#define STATE_PALYING 2#define STATE_EXIT 3//GameMode#define MODE_NONE 0#define MODE_NORMAL 1#define MODE_DEBUG 2//Select Index#define INDEX_MAXNUM 3#define INDEX_NORMAL 0#define INDEX_DEBUG 1#define INDEX_EXIT 2//Command#define COM_LEFT'a'#define COM_RIGHT'd'#define COM_UP'w'#define COM_DOWN 's'#define COM_QUIT'q'//direction#define DIR_HEAD 0xe0#define KEY_UP0xe048#define KEY_DOWN 0xe050#define KEY_LEFT0xe04b#define KEY_RIGHT0xe04d#define ESC 0x1B#define ENTER0x0D//typetypedef unsigned int Uint;typedef unsigned short Ushort;typedef unsigned char Uchar;//declarationstatic void GM_Init(void);static void GM_End(void);static Uint GM_SelectInit(void);static Uint GM_SelectHandle(void);static Uint GM_SelectEnd(void);static Uint GM_PrepareInit(void);static Uint GM_PrepareHandle(void);static Uint GM_PrepareEnd(void);static Uint GM_PlayingInit(void);static Uint GM_PlayingHandle(void);static Uint GM_PlayingEnd(void);static Uint GM_SelectHandleEnter(void);static Uint GM_SelectHandleEsc(void);static void GM_PrintSelectMode(void);static void GM_RandAddOneNum(void);static Uchar GM_FromFileAddNum(void);static Uchar GM_InputAddOneNum(void);static Uchar GM_NotMoreMove(void);static void GM_PrintBoard(void);static Uchar GM_CheckWin2048(void);static Uchar GM_PlayingPull(void);static Uchar GM_CombineRight(Uint *array, int num);static Uchar GM_CombineLeft(Uint *array, int num);static Uchar GM_MoveRight(Uint *array, int num);static Uchar GM_MoveLeft (Uint *array, int num);//structtypedef struct gameinfo {Uint Board[GMAE_ROW][GMAE_COL];Uchar GameState;Uchar GameMode;Uchar StateSelectIndex;Uint PlayingCommand;}GameInfo, *P_GameInfo;GameInfo GM;int main(void){GM_Init();while(1){switch(GM.GameState){case STATE_SELECT:GM_SelectHandle();break;case STATE_PREPARE:GM_PrepareHandle();break;case STATE_PALYING:GM_PlayingHandle();break;case STATE_EXIT: goto GAME_EXIT;default:break; } }GAME_EXIT: GM_End(); return 0;}static void GM_Init(void){memset(&GM, 0, sizeof(GameInfo));srand((int)time(NULL));GM_SelectInit();}static void GM_End(void){memset(&GM, 0, sizeof(GameInfo));fflush(stdin);printf("\nCommand [q] can quit\n");while('q' != getch());}static Uint GM_SelectInit(void){GM.GameState = STATE_SELECT; GM.StateSelectIndex = INDEX_NORMAL;GM_PrintSelectMode();}static Uint GM_SelectHandle(void){GM_PrintSelectMode(); fflush(stdin); Uchar ch1 = getch();if( ENTER == ch1){GM_SelectHandleEnter();}else if( ESC == ch1 ){GM_SelectEnd();GM.GameState = STATE_EXIT;}else if ( DIR_HEAD == ch1){Uchar ch2 = getch();Ushort Key = (ch1 << 8)&0xff00 | ch2;switch(Key){ case KEY_UP:GM.StateSelectIndex = (GM.StateSelectIndex + INDEX_MAXNUM - 1) % INDEX_MAXNUM;break;case KEY_DOWN:GM.StateSelectIndex = (GM.StateSelectIndex + 1) % INDEX_MAXNUM;break;default:break;}}}static Uint GM_SelectEnd(void){}static Uint GM_PrepareInit(void){Uchar OldState = GM.GameState; GM.GameState = STATE_PREPARE;//from STATE_SELECT --> STATE_PREPAREif(STATE_SELECT == OldState){if(MODE_NORMAL == GM.GameMode){GM_RandAddOneNum();GM_RandAddOneNum();}else{GM_FromFileAddNum();}}//from STATE_PALYING --> STATE_PREPAREelse{if(MODE_NORMAL == GM.GameMode){GM_RandAddOneNum();}else{GM_PrintBoard();while(FALSE == GM_InputAddOneNum());}}GM_PrintBoard();}static Uint GM_PrepareHandle(void){if(TRUE != GM_NotMoreMove()){ GM_PrepareEnd();GM_PlayingInit();}else{printf("Game Over!\n");GM.GameState = STATE_EXIT;}}static Uint GM_PrepareEnd(void){}static Uint GM_PlayingInit(void){GM.GameState = STATE_PALYING;printf( "PULL: [a]LEFT [d]RIGHT [w]UP [s]DOWN [q]QUIT\n" );printf( "Command: "); fflush(stdout);}static Uint GM_PlayingHandle(void){fflush(stdin);GM.PlayingCommand = getch();switch(GM.PlayingCommand){case COM_LEFT:case COM_RIGHT:case COM_UP:case COM_DOWN:if( FALSE == GM_PlayingPull()){printf("[Error] invalid direction\n");printf( "Command: ");}else{if( TRUE == GM_CheckWin2048() ){GM_PrintBoard();printf("you win !\n");GM.GameState = STATE_EXIT;}else{GM_PlayingEnd();GM_PrepareInit();}}break;case COM_QUIT:printf("Bye !\n");GM.GameState = STATE_EXIT;break;default:printf("[Error] Command is a, d, w, s, q \n");printf( "Command: ");fflush(stdout);break;}//GM_PrintBoard();}static Uint GM_PlayingEnd(void){GM.PlayingCommand = 0;}static Uint GM_SelectHandleEnter(void){switch(GM.StateSelectIndex){case INDEX_NORMAL:case INDEX_DEBUG: if(INDEX_NORMAL == GM.StateSelectIndex){GM.GameMode = MODE_NORMAL;} else{GM.GameMode = MODE_DEBUG;}GM_SelectEnd();GM_PrepareInit();break;case INDEX_EXIT:GM_SelectEnd();GM.GameState = STATE_EXIT;break;default:printf("error\n");break;}}static Uint GM_SelectHandleEsc(void){}static void GM_PrintSelectMode(void){system("cls");printf("# - - - - - - - - #\n");printf("# welcome to 2048 #\n");printf("# - - - - - - - - #\n");printf(" MODU SELECT \n");printf("\n ");printf(GM.StateSelectIndex==INDEX_NORMAL?"-->NORMAL":" NORMAL"); printf("\n ");printf(GM.StateSelectIndex==INDEX_DEBUG? "-->DEBUG ":" DEBUG ");printf("\n ");printf(GM.StateSelectIndex==INDEX_EXIT? "-->EXIT ":" EXIT ");}static void GM_RandAddOneNum(void){int row, col;while (1){row = rand() % GMAE_ROW;col = rand() % GMAE_COL;if ( GM.Board[row][col] == EMPTY_CELL ){GM.Board[row][col] = ((rand() % 2) + 1) * 2;break;}}}static Uchar GM_FromFileAddNum(void){FILE *infp;Uchar tmp[6],tmp1;Uchar ret = 0;Uchar i,j;if(infp = fopen("map.txt", "rb")){ for(i = 0; i < GMAE_ROW * GMAE_COL; i++){j = 0;memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));while(1){if(!fread(&tmp[j], 1, 1, infp))ret |= 0x02;if(tmp[j] == ' ' || tmp[j] == '\n' || tmp[j] == 0)break;j++;}*(&GM.Board[0][0]+i) = atoi((const char *)tmp);}}else{ret |= 0x01;}if(NULL != infp){fclose(infp);}if(ret != 0){printf("read map txt fail\n");}return ret;}static Uchar GM_InputAddOneNum(void){int row, col, value;int ret = TRUE;printf("please input add one num!\n");printf("Row,Col,Value :");fflush(stdout);fflush(stdin);scanf("%d,%d,%d", &row, &col, &value);if(row >= GMAE_ROW || row < 0){printf("[Error] Row is between 0 and %d !\n", GMAE_ROW-1);ret = FALSE;}if(col >= GMAE_COL || col < 0){printf("[Error] Col is between 0 and %d !\n", GMAE_COL-1);ret = FALSE;}if(ret == TRUE && GM.Board[row][col] != 0){printf("[Error] ( %d , %d ) is occupied!\n", row, col);ret = FALSE;}if(value != 2 && value != 4){printf("[Error] Cell Value is either 2 or 4\n");ret = FALSE;}if(ret == TRUE){GM.Board[row][col] = value;}return ret;}static Uchar GM_NotMoreMove(void){int NotMoreMove = TRUE;int row, col;for ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){for ( col = 0; col < GMAE_COL; col++){if(GM.Board[row][col] == 0){NotMoreMove = FALSE;break;}if( col+1 < GMAE_COL && GM.Board[row][col] == GM.Board[row][col+1]){NotMoreMove = FALSE;break;}if( row+1 < GMAE_ROW && GM.Board[row][col] == GM.Board[row+1][col]){NotMoreMove = FALSE; break;}}if(FALSE == NotMoreMove)break;}return NotMoreMove;}static void GM_PrintBoard(void){int row, col;system("cls");printf("# - - - - - - - - #\n");printf("# welcome to 2048 #\n");printf("# - - - - - - - - #\n");for ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){for ( col = 0; col < GMAE_COL; col++){printf(" + - -", GM.Board[row][col]);}printf(" +\n");for ( col = 0; col < GMAE_COL; col++){if(0 == GM.Board[row][col])printf(" | ");elseprintf(" |%4d", GM.Board[row][col]);}printf(" |\n");}printf(" + + + + + + + + + + + + + \n");}static Uchar GM_CheckWin2048(void){int row,col; for ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){for ( col = 0; col < GMAE_COL; col++){if( GM.Board[row][col] == 2048 ){return TRUE;}}}return FALSE;}static Uchar GM_PlayingPull(void){//GMAE_ROW 行 4//GMAE_COL 列 4int index;int col, row;Uchar PullFlag = FALSE;Uint array[GMAE_ROW > GMAE_COL? GMAE_ROW:GMAE_COL];//******************COM_LEFT*******************if( COM_LEFT == GM.PlayingCommand)for ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){PullFlag |= GM_MoveLeft( (Uint *)GM.Board[row], GMAE_COL );PullFlag |= GM_CombineLeft( (Uint *)GM.Board[row], GMAE_COL );PullFlag |= GM_MoveLeft( (Uint *)GM.Board[row], GMAE_COL );}//******************COM_RIGHT******************else if( COM_RIGHT == GM.PlayingCommand)for ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){PullFlag |= GM_MoveRight( (Uint *)GM.Board[row], GMAE_COL );PullFlag |= GM_CombineRight( (Uint *)GM.Board[row], GMAE_COL );PullFlag |= GM_MoveRight( (Uint *)GM.Board[row], GMAE_COL );}//******************COM_UP*********************else if( COM_UP == GM.PlayingCommand)for ( col = 0; col < GMAE_COL; col++){for ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){array[row] = GM.Board[row][col];}//a col move LeftPullFlag |= GM_MoveLeft( (Uint *)array, GMAE_ROW );PullFlag |= GM_CombineLeft( (Uint *)array, GMAE_ROW );PullFlag |=GM_MoveLeft( (Uint *)array, GMAE_ROW );//write a colfor ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){GM.Board[row][col] = array[row];}}//******************COM_DOWN******************else if( COM_DOWN == GM.PlayingCommand)for ( col = 0; col < GMAE_COL; col++){//read a colfor ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){array[row] = GM.Board[row][col];}//a col move rightPullFlag |= GM_MoveRight( (Uint *)array, GMAE_ROW );PullFlag |= GM_CombineRight( (Uint *)array, GMAE_ROW );PullFlag |=GM_MoveRight( (Uint *)array, GMAE_ROW );//write a colfor ( row = 0; row < GMAE_ROW; row++){GM.Board[row][col] = array[row];}}return PullFlag;}static Uchar GM_CombineLeft(Uint *array, int num){int i;Uchar CombineFlag = FALSE;for ( i = 0; i < num-1; i++ ){if( array[i] != 0 && array[i] == array[i+1] ){array[i] *= 2;array[i+1] = 0;CombineFlag = TRUE;}}return CombineFlag;}static Uchar GM_CombineRight(Uint *array, int num){int i;Uchar CombineFlag = FALSE;for ( i = num-1; i >= 1; i-- ){if( array[i] != 0 && array[i] == array[i-1] ){array[i] *= 2;array[i-1] = 0;CombineFlag = TRUE;}}return CombineFlag;}static Uchar GM_MoveRight(Uint *array, int num){int i;int index = num - 1;Uchar moveflg = FALSE;for(i = num-1; i >= 0; i--){if(array[i] != 0){if(array[i] != array[index]){array[index] = array[i];moveflg = TRUE;}index--;}}while(index != -1){array[index] = 0;index--;}return moveflg;}static Uchar GM_MoveLeft(Uint *array, int num){int i;int index = 0;Uchar moveflg = FALSE;for(i = 0; i < num; i++){if(array[i] != 0){if(array[i] != array[index]){array[index] = array[i];moveflg = TRUE;}index++;}}while(index != num){array[index] = 0;index++;} return moveflg;}四、运行结果游戏主菜单界面,通过方向键选择,分别有NORMAL(正常进行游戏)、DEBUG(调试模式)、EXIT(退出游戏)按回车键进入对应的模式。用字母a、d、w、s、q分别代替左右上下以及退出键。如果最后游戏成功了,则会提示成功,如果失败则会退出程序。详细的游戏逻辑可通过代码以及文档进行了解。
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